February 2024 Wrap-Up

Posted March 11, 2024 by Carole in Monthly Wrap-Up / 6 Comments

February 2024

February was a bit of a blah month.  I haven’t felt like doing anything productive in my free time.  I have played a lot of games on my phone and did get through a nice stack of audiobooks, which was a bit of a surprise when I totaled things up because I would have guessed my totals would be a whole lot lower than they are.  I am noticing that my glasses aren’t exactly doing the trick with a lot of things so thank goodness for audiobooks.   

I posted less on Instagram.  I was not too happy with the app after some problems that I had at the end of January, so I just didn’t feel like doing too much with it.  I lost some followers and am ending the month with 6,462 followers (I post this start only to track my growth).

Books Read

Reading Stats
Books Read: 14
Audiobooks: 13
Digital Books: 1
Print Books: 1
Combination Print or Digital & Audio: 0
Re-Reads: 0
DNF: 1

Book Source for Books Read in February
Publisher/Author: 13
Purchased/Freebie: 1
Kindle Unlimited/Audible Plus: 0
Borrowed/Library:  3
*Some books may fit into more than one category

Goodreads: 33/100

End of the Month NetGalley Stats
Feedback Ratio: 98% 
 897 Approved | 881 Feedback Sent

End of the Month Edelweiss Stats
83 books to review | 223 downloaded

Favorites of the Month

Up Next

How was your month? Do you have any reading or blogging goals for March?

6 responses to “February 2024 Wrap-Up

  1. I loved the Graves book, too. It was interesting and emotional. A great combination. Can’t wait to hear what you think of the Henry book. I was rejected in 2.3 seconds for that one.

  2. The Boy Who Cried Bear is high on my list Carole, thanks for sharing your month with us. I’ve been awol awhile because of hubby’s health challenges. Fingers crossed it’s getting better

  3. I fell behind in February. I was reading and listening to audiobooks, but not more than a little bit at a time. Plus I finished a 28 hour audiobook, which consumed most of my listening time. Oh well.

  4. I completely understand your frustrations with Instagram. I didn’t have it at the end of January as we were on a cruise and had no service. Not having any social media was so freeing that I decided to take some more time off. I haven’t logged in in over a month, and I’m loving that so far. I’m unsure how long I’ll stay away, but it is a nice break for now.

  5. I finally read a Kelley Armstrong book and absolutely loved it! I can’t wait to read more. I’m really looking forward to reading the next Deanna Raybourn. I’ve really enjoyed that series so far. Happy March!