Books from the Backlog is a fun way to feature some of those neglected books sitting on your bookshelf unread. If you are anything like me, you might be surprised by some of the unread books hiding in your stacks.
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This week’s neglected book

Series: Throne of Glass #1
Published by Bloomsbury Publishing USA on August 7, 2012
Genres: Young Adult Fiction / Fantasy / General
Pages: 432
Source: Purchased
Amazon | Audible | B&N | Kobo |
In a land without magic, where the king rules with an iron hand, an assassin is summoned to the castle. She comes not to kill the king, but to win her freedom. If she defeats twenty-three killers, thieves, and warriors in a competition, she is released from prison to serve as the king's champion. Her name is Celaena Sardothien.
The Crown Prince will provoke her. The Captain of the Guard will protect her. But something evil dwells in the castle of glass--and it's there to kill. When her competitors start dying one by one, Celaena's fight for freedom becomes a fight for survival, and a desperate quest to root out the evil before it destroys her world.
Why did I add Throne of Glass to my bookshelf?
I have had a copy of this ebook in my digital library for 10 years. I keep saying that I will read it someday but I am not really sure when that will be. I knew that Sarah J. Maas was popular but I am constantly amazed by just how many of her books my bookstore sells in a given day. Customers look at me a little funny when I tell them I haven’t read it yet and almost always encourage me to drop everything and get to it ASAP. I just might do that soon.
What are your thoughts? Have you read this book? Would you recommend it?
Yeah sadly, this was one I could not get into. My friend bought me a copy before the hype got really big! I mean I knew people had liked it and everything. I think this was maybe around book 3 being out? I eventually read it and just felt meh. I was never enticed to pick up the second book. I can’t even remember anything that happened in this book! I did end up enjoying her other two series so 2/3 isn’t bad! Lol. Hope you love it once you get to read it!
I have this one, too, and didn’t get to it yet. I think its funny that I was across the counter at my booksellers a week ago and she was shocked I hadn’t read it yet and urged me to get busy since she was on her third read-through. Haha!
I’ve not read this either but I am sure I have a copy lurking on my shelves somewhere. If I am going to read any of her series’ right now, it will be Crescent City.
I am surprised you never read this. Fun fact – my daughter got this book as an ARC at BEA back in the day before SJM was SJM. I liked this series, and I hope you do too
I loved this on audio. I own them all but haven’t managed to keep going in the series. Yet.
Ahem. You either love it or loathe it
I have heard so many raves for this author and really need to try one of her books to see what the hype is!