Sunroper by Natalie J. Damschroder

Posted January 3, 2014 by Carole in Book Reviews / 0 Comments

Sunroper  by Natalie J. Damschroder
Entangled Publishing, LLC
Publication Date: December 31, 2013
Date Read: January 1, 2013

In the interest of full disclosure, I received an advance reader
edition of this book from Entangled Publishing, LLC and Net Galley for
the purpose of providing an honest review.

I would rate this book
4 1/2 stars out of 5. It is the final book in a trilogy and I really
enjoyed it despite the fact I have not read the 2 previous books in the
trilogy. The first part of the book was slow for me probably because I
had a lot to catch up on that was covered in the first 2 books. The
book picked up at the 30% mark and I actually had a hard time putting it
down the last half of the book. Seriously, Natalie J. Damschroder where have you been hiding?

is a goddess who no longer possess the typical power of a goddess.
Marley now has the ability to nullify power in those who have power that
is not rightfully theirs. She is trying to find the goddess supplying
their male counterparts, the Numina, with power or flux. She is also
trying to nullify the flux in as many of these men as she can. Once she
nullifies a persons power, they are no longer able to accept power in
the future.

Gage, a member of the Numina, is also looking for the
goddess dealing in flux and he is looking for his brother whom he fears
is caught up in it. Gage becomes an unlikely ally to Marley and they
work together to stop the goddess and her influence. The pair works
well together playing off of the strengths of the other. As the pair
are falling for each other, Marley realizes that the power she is
nullifying is changing her.

This book was very well written. The
characters had a lot of depth and the chemistry between Gage and Marley
was very believable and not completely over the top which seems to be
the norm. I loved the paranormal aspect of the book and loved the world
that Ms. Damschroder created in this trilogy. I will most definitely
be reading the first two books in this trilogy and more from this author
in the future.