Review – I Told You This Would Happen by Elaine Murphy

Posted July 25, 2022 by Carole in Reviews / 8 Comments

I received this book for free from the publisher. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Review – I Told You This Would Happen by Elaine MurphyI Told You This Would Happen by Elaine Murphy
Published by Grand Central Publishing on July 12, 2022
Genres: Fiction / Thrillers / Suspense
Pages: 384
Format: ARC
Source: Publisher
Amazon | B&N | Kobo

Elaine Murphy is back with a new thriller that will leave fans of Darcey Bell, B.A. Paris, and Samantha Downing utterly reeling.   Carrie’s sister is dead.

Four months after losing her sister, Becca—a serial killer unknown to everyone else in their town—Carrie Lawrence is finally free of her manipulative clutches. From now on, she’s keeping her hands clean, no more hiding dead bodies in the middle of the night, no more lies.

She’s never been happier.

Then she attends a meeting of the Brampton Kill Seekers, a group of amateur local sleuths, and learns that a recent victim left behind a note that incriminates her in their disappearance. All of a sudden, the quiet, law-abiding life she’s been planning starts to unravel.

She’s never had so much to lose.

In her frantic quest to keep her secret dead and buried, she discovers someone nefarious lurking in the shadows…someone who’ll go to any lengths to bring her dark truths to light. Now if Carrie wants her secrets to stay hidden, she’ll have to get her hands very, very dirty.

I had a great time with this book! I have not seen this book listed as being part of a series anywhere (and I looked) but I would definitely recommend reading Look What You Made Me Do first if at all possible since this book picks up shortly after the events of that book. I was eager to read this next chapter in Carrie’s life and see how she would fare once she is away from her serial killer sister, Becca. Although highly improbable, this book was highly entertaining.

Carrie is glad to be away from her sister’s unhealthy attention. She wants to make a go of things with her boyfriend, Graham, and maybe even buy a house. After multiple invitations to the Brampton Kill Seekers meetings, she finally decides to go and leaves knowing that she has something to worry about since she appears to be implicated in the disappearance of a local girl. Carrie works to make sure that nothing leads back to her which is somewhat complicated by the fact that a local detective seems to be following her around.

So this is an excellent read. Carrie wants to do good things and her heart is primarily good but she has been pushed beyond the grey area by her sister so many times she recognizes the fact that she doesn’t always land on the right side of the line. The book had plenty of action to keep the pages turning and there were some pretty big surprises that kept me glued to the pages. I really wanted to see Carrie find a way to come out on top but wasn’t sure how it could happen.

I would recommend this book to others. There were times that I worried that Carrie was going to get herself in even more trouble with her actions and was really worried about her. I had a great time making my way through all of the twists and turns of this highly entertaining novel.

I received a review copy of this book from Grand Central Publishing.

8 responses to “Review – I Told You This Would Happen by Elaine Murphy

  1. This sounds like such a satisfying read and I do enjoy it when an author will really deliver on the character growth.

    Glad it was a solid win for you here.

    Great review

  2. Love the sound of this one, though I can definitely see where I need to read the previous book first! 🙂

  3. I remember when Look What You Made Me Do came out and thought it looked really interesting. I’m even more intrigued now that I know there’s a sequel!