Series: The Shining

Reviews – The Angel Maker & The Shining

Reviews – The Angel Maker & The Shining

Posted February 27, 2023 by Carole in Reviews / 7 Comments

I liked this one but I thought that it could be hard to follow at times. After quickly getting lost while listening to the audiobook, I decided to start over and listen to the book while following along in my print copy which worked very well for me. There are a lot of characters and […]

Books from the Backlog #235

Books from the Backlog #235

Posted October 13, 2022 by Carole in Books from the Backlog / 10 Comments

Books from the Backlog is a fun way to feature some of those neglected books sitting on your bookshelf unread.  If you are anything like me, you might be surprised by some of the unread books hiding in your stacks. If you would like to join in, please feel free to enter your link, link […]