A Vault of Sins by Sarah Harian

Posted September 24, 2014 by Carole in Book Reviews, Net Galley Book Challenge / 0 Comments

A Vault of Sins by Sarah Harian
Series: Chaos Theory #2
Penguin Group
Publication Date:  September 23, 2014
Date Read:  September 21, 2014

I received an advance reader
edition of this book from Penguin Group via Net
Galley for the purpose of providing an honest review.

4 Stars

I have to admit that I am a little torn about this rating.  Overall I liked it and read it in less than 24 hours BUT I think it had a few problems.  This book is the second book in the Chaos Theory series and this is a series that you really need to read in order.  I honestly do not think that anyone would enjoy this book without having first read The Wicked We Have Done.  I really try to rate book simply on my enjoyment without over analyzing anything.  I went with a 4 star rating because I feel that the good in this book outweighs the not so good.


The Good

I absolutely loved the sexual tension between Casey and Evalyn in this book.  Heck, I felt frustrated right along with Evalyn.  I think that this section of the book really cemented their relationship and feelings for each at least in my mind.  I felt for Casey during his reunion with Evalyn at the end of the story.  I also liked that we got to see Evalyn struggle through this situation.  She does not handle everything well and we see her turn to alcohol and shut everyone out in order to cope.  The friendship between Valerie and Evalyn seemed very genuine as well.


The Not So Good

Haven’t I read this somewhere before?  What book series is it where the final participants escape the test only to be returned during the second book?  Oh yeah, and of course the male lead wants to accompany the female lead.  Many parts of this book are quite different but there is more overlap than I would have liked to have seen.  This really was my main issue with this book.  I did also think that the book sometimes jumped from one section to the next.  I would have liked to see the flow of the book be much smoother. 

I would recommend this book to those that enjoyed the first novel in the series.  I plan to continue reading Sarah Harian’s work including the rest of the series.