The Fever by Megan Abbott

Posted October 2, 2014 by Carole in Book Reviews, Net Galley Book Challenge / 0 Comments

The Fever by Megan Abbott
Little, Brown and Company
Publication Date:  June 17, 2014
Date Read:  September 30, 2014

I received an advance reader
edition of this book from Little, Brown and Company via Net
Galley for the purpose of providing an honest review.
DNF @ 23%
I hated this book.  I hated it more than I thought I could possibly hate a book.  I am not someone that gives up on a book very often but this needed to be one of those times.  I only read 23% of the book and I tried to push forward but it just was not to be.
Why did I hate this book?

I did not like way it was written at all.  I felt very removed from the story.  This third person stream of consciousness from several points of view may work for some readers but I loathed it.  I did not like the characters.  After reading 23% of the book, I could care less about any of the characters found within its pages.  I did not like the use of sex for shock value.  Seriously, the only goal for some of the things discussed in this book had to be shock value.  
I want to be clear that I have been a female my entire life and I have never assisted a friend with her tampon and I have never asked for help.  I would be happy to go and buy one for a friend but she is on her own when it comes to the actual use of the product.  This kind of helping just is not done and reading about it is just gross.

These were not my only problems with this book.  I seriously doubt that the whole school would be so concerned about this especially when only one girl was affected.  I really hated how this book read like a Young Adult book but such a focus on sex.  Everything from the description of the french teacher to a young man’s thoughts regarding her sister.  It was just unnecessary and forced.

Did I like anything about the book?
cover is kind of nice.  Really that is the only positive thing that I
can say.  After the cover, the whole thing goes downhill.

would not recommend this book to anyone.  I told my teen daughter that
if anyone tries to give her this book to run in the other
direction….fast.   This is the first that I have read anything by
Megan Abbott and I am pretty sure that this is going to be my last.