Stacking the Shelves #125

Posted June 30, 2018 by Carole in Stacking the Shelves / 42 Comments

I am really excited to participate in Stacking the Shelves, a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality.

My Life

I am officially on vacation!  I guess it is really more of a staycation since I am not going anywhere but I don’t have to go to work which is the part that I am happy about.  This past week has been pretty busy.  We picked my daughter up from camp in Bloomington, Indiana on Saturday just to drop her off at drum major camp on Sunday morning.  She came home from the second camp Wednesday evening.  I think my husband and I need a week just to recover from trying to keep up with her schedule!

Books Added

Fury by Rachel Vincent (Edelweiss)
Iron and Magic by Ilona Andrews (won @ Books of My Heart)
The Accidentals by Sarina Bowen (Author)
Man Hands by Sarina Bowen and Tanya Eby (Kindle Purchase)

I am really excited about this week’s new additions.  I loved the first two books in the Menagerie trilogy and I cannot wait to see how things wrap up in Fury, although I will be sad to see things come to an end.  I was lucky enough to win a copy of Iron and Magic from Anne at Books of My Heart.  It is Ilona Andrews so you know I have to read that one right away.  I have recently discovered Sarina Bowen’s writing and I cannot wait to start reading The Accidentals and I couldn’t resist picking up Man Hands for only $0.99.

What books do you add to your shelves this week? 
Let me know in the comments and be sure to leave a link to your own STS post!

42 responses to “Stacking the Shelves #125

  1. Enjoy the Staycation!!

    OMG! Fury!!! Edelweiss turned me down for that and left me in a fit of tears. I still have a request on Netgalley that I am holding out on but I can't figure out why the same publisher likes be better on Netgalley than on Edelweiss. I must be missing something with my account but I can't figure out what! I know I read Spectacle early last year too, I think it was with Netgalley, so I am keeping my fingers crossed they will eventually approve my request there. I requested it what feels like ages ago!! Lol.

    Happy Reading!!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower πŸ™‚

    • I was really surprised to be approved for Fury so quickly on Edelweiss. I did request it on NetGalley a while ago and that request is still sitting there. I can't wait to start reading it!

  2. Yes, sometimes it doesn't matter if you even go anywhere as long as its not to work. LOL Oh, you got a lovely haul. I want to read the new Hugh book by the Andrews too. Congrats on the win! Yes, Bowen's books are fun. πŸ™‚

    Enjoy your week and have a Happy 4th!

  3. Anonymous

    Your daughter sure sounds like one busy girl. But it sounds like fun. Enjoy to those new books. I am curious about The Accidentals.

  4. Enjoy your vacation! I like a good staycation sometimes. πŸ™‚ And ooh you got Fury! I just read Menagerie recently, and I need to get to Spectacle!

  5. I am so jealous that Sarina Bowen sends you books. She is one of my favorite romance writers. You cannot go wrong with any of her books. I read 15 books by her, and really enjoyed them all.

  6. Enjoy your staycation – I'm on one too! Hope we have lots of fun and relaxation and get lots of good books read.

  7. Iron and Magic looks so so good! I love that cover! And I am so excited for Fury! I still need to read Spectacle, but I loved Menagerie. Happy reading!

    • I had a great time with Iron and Magic. I fell in love with Menagerie and listed Spectacle just as much. Fury is one of my most anticipated books of the year so I am thrilled to get a copy so early.

  8. We've got a staycation coming up this week and I'm looking forward to it! It does take some planning though or we end up just doing chore stuff around the house! Great books and I love getting a book I really want in ARC. Have a great week!

  9. Yay for new books! All of yours look good, Carole. Especially the Ilona Andrews' one. I hope you enjoy your staycation! I am off all next week, but we are going to visiting my mom up north. I had originally planned to take tomorrow off, but ended up agreeing to work. Now I'm regretting it. It would have been an early start to my vacation. I desperately need a break from work. Soon enough . . . I hope you have a great rest of the week!