Stacking the Shelves #157

Posted February 11, 2019 by Carole in Stacking the Shelves / 31 Comments

I am really excited to participate in Stacking the Shelves, a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality.

My Life
I have been oh so busy.  I do apologize for this post being so late and disappearing for a few days.  I stayed home sick from work on Monday after feeling horrible all day Sunday.  We did have a pretty normal workweek but Friday after work, I was back on the road for another college visit.  The college we visited this past weekend was a 3 1/2 hour drive but I messed up with the directions and added an additional hour to the drive plus we had some issues with traffic so it took a lot longer.  On the way home, I took another wrong turn so I ended up spending a lot of time behind the wheel. 

There was one day during the past week that I had planned to spend some time working on comments but then my Molly got comfy all cuddled up in my lap and I didn’t want to move her.  I am so far behind with comments but I should be back to normal very soon.

Books Added

The Language of Thorns by Leigh Bardugo (Kindle Purchase)
The Saboteur by Andrew Gross (Kindle Purchase)

Devil’s Daughter by Lisa Kleypas (Publisher)

This is the box of books that I grabbed from the Book Outlet the other week when they were having a scratch and dent sale.  I have read a couple of these books already but couldn’t pass up a copy to put on my bookshelves.

What books do you add to your shelves this week? 
Let me know in the comments and be sure to leave a link to your own STS post!

31 responses to “Stacking the Shelves #157

  1. I am so jealous of your book finds. I would never ever ever find as many good books at a sale. I can find like one half decent one that I do not buy cos even on sale they are that expensive

  2. Getting lost is my nightmare! At least Molly was there to cuddle with you when you got home. Hope the trip was informative, though. Nice haul. Words in Deep Blue and Top Ten are among my favorites! Most people didn't like Top Ten as much as me, but I am a Cotugno fan. Paula Stokes is always a good choice for me too. I hope you enjoy them all.

  3. I really liked Nemesis and need to find time to continue the series. Molly is so darn cute – I can totally understand why you wouldn't want to disturb her!

  4. What a bummer about taking the 'scenic route' not once, but twice! Yay for puppy hugs.
    I've heard good things about that Kleypas.
    Very neat pile you got from the sale. I haven't read half of those, but I do recognize them. It is fun to have print copies and not just arcs or ebooks for some favorites.

    Glad you're feeling better and hope you have a good week, Carole!

  5. Well I hope this is a week where you feel better and things aren't quite so hectic. I imagine the weather was not helpful either. It's the opposite here. Last week was quiet with good weather and this week is hectic with bad weather or at least rain and cold.

    Don't feel bad about getting behind; it happens to all of us. We have lives. I struggle to get around to all the blogs but then also feel bad I don't get other things done IRL.
    Hang in there. Anne – Books of My Heart

  6. Getting mixed up with directions and spending even more time on the road is a bummer! Sorry to hear you've been sick, too. You need some chill time!

    I want physical copies of the Casey Duncan/Rockton series! Great find, Carole! 🙂

  7. I hope you're feeling better now and that you will be able to find some time to rest and relax. Getting lost can be so frustrating especially when you lose so much time. The Language of Thorns is one I want to read and I love the sound of getting so many books in that sale!