Stacking the Shelves #167

Posted April 20, 2019 by Carole in Stacking the Shelves / 21 Comments

I am really excited to participate in Stacking the Shelves, a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality.

My Life
What a week!  I have been away from the blog most of the week and I think that I really needed the break.  It was an unplanned break but it did help me clear my head a bit.

On Sunday, we woke up and found that the power was out.  I really wasn’t all that concerned and happily sat down with Kindle which had thankfully been charged the day before.  About midway through the day, I did start to wonder when our power would be restored.  We actually ended up having to go without power until sometime Monday morning after I had already started my work day.  The temperature in the house had dropped to the mid 50s which was bearable but uncomfortable before the power came back on.  I also usually spend part of my Sundays getting blog posts ready to go for the week.  The whole thing just kind of threw out my week.

I was so excited to see the new episode of Game of Thrones and was a bit disappointed that I didn’t get to see it on Sunday since we were sitting in the dark.  I did get to see it on Monday after work and was impressed.  I can’t wait to see this week’s episode.

My daughter is a finalist for a scholarship and on Tuesday, she had her interview which is the last step before a decision is made.  Her interview was about 3.5 hours away from our home so we spent the day in the car on Tuesday.  By the time we made it home, my head was killing me so I decided to take an extra day off of the blog.

I had the day off work on Friday and my nephew and niece came to visit and make some bunny cupcakes with me.  I think that they did a fantastic job!

Books Added

Storm Cursed by Patricia Briggs (Finished Copy – Publisher)

You guys, this book is so pretty!  I don’t think that the photo does the cover justice.  I already had a copy of this one from NetGalley and am thrilled to have a finished copy for my shelves.  I know that I will be reading this one again!

What books do you add to your shelves this week? 
Let me know in the comments and be sure to leave a link to your own STS post!

21 responses to “Stacking the Shelves #167

  1. They keep saying we are going to get power cuts because of dwindling emergency stock of power but it hasn't happened yet. I am ready for when it does though. It was a great opening episode for Game of Thrones, seeing old friends and enemies unite at Winterfell. I'm so scared for the Battle!

  2. Ugh, I hate when the power goes out and ruins my blogging mojo! Lol. When that happens, I pack up and head to Bread Co. in order to get my fix in! Lol. Luckily, I do my blog posts on Friday night, so if there's a power outage then, I'm really in trouble! Lol.

    Nice new read! I hope you enjoy the latest installment in this series!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Glad the break turned out a good thing, but boo for the extra day being b/c of a headache. That's neat about the fun cupcake making party and hope the trip for the scholarship pays off.
    Oooh, a Storm Cursed copy. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Have a good week, Carole!

  4. Bummer you didn't get to see GoT, that isn't one I have been interested in but I know a lot of people are. Sounds like a busy week though and I hope you enjoy your book you got!

  5. I am crossing my fingers for your daughter. I hope the interview went well, and that she gets the scholarship. Those bunny cupcakes look fabulous and yummy (those kids are super cute too). You poor dear! Life without electricity is not right. Sorry you had to endure that.

  6. I'm glad you got a break. Having my power out would drive me crazy if it was a day I wanted to get things done. There's always a coffee shop or library but it's better in PJs with snacks, or at least something to drink. I also have both the ebook and they sent me the finished copy of Storm Cursed. It is gorgeous. I have to decide if I will keep it and / or try to get it autographed as a giveaway for the Read-along next year. Decisions, decisions. Have a fantastic week. I hope your daughter wins.

    Anne – Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post ย ย 

  7. lucky to get a finished copy ๐Ÿ˜€ its gorgeous looking! I just got the next book in the series not to long ago in physical copy because I love the cover so I wanted to have
    Ugh loosing power is the worse, luckily it didn't happen smack dab in the middle of winter
    yay for your daughter! and those cupcakes look super cute

  8. Power outages that last a while can really be eye openers lol. I remember when we lost power for an extended period not long ago, and I was like wow- really reminds you how much we take electricity for granted!

    Enjoy GoThrones!!!

  9. I feel so unsettled when the power is off! At least you had your Kindle charged. It does force you to get some reading done, because what else are you going to do? Oh, I'm jealouse of your physical copy of Storm Cursed! I have an e-ARC too, but I love this series so much I'd like to get all the physical books too. ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Fingers crossed for your daughter! I know she'll do great. I can imagine the day without power really threw you off and I hope you're head is better. Hope this week goes much smoother! Hope you're having a great week!

  11. Now that sounds like bad timing for the power to go out and like it must have been so cold as well! I hope you enjoy your new Patricia Briggs book and that the interview went well for your daughter <3

  12. I love that you made bunny cupcakes with your niece and nephew. They are so cute! I wish my sister had waited to have kids so that there were in-between kiddos from my son being grown and grandchildren. ?