Stacking the Shelves #250

Posted February 28, 2021 by Carole in Stacking the Shelves / 13 Comments

I am really excited to participate in Stacking the Shelves, a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality.

My Life
Things have finally warmed up!  It seems so strange to have temperatures near 70 degrees just days after 2 weeks of below-freezing temperatures.  I am not complaining and our dog-walks have been a lot more bearable.
Last Sunday, I spent the day organizing my bookshelves.  When we moved, I told my husband and daughter to just put the books wherever they fit on the shelves and I would deal with it later.  But I kept putting it off.  I have a lot of books so this was a huge job.   It looks so much better and I can find books a lot easier.  Of course, I also made a few mental notes about books that I don’t have in some of the series  I collect which led to a few book purchases.  I have no regrets.
My husband worked really hard at getting the shed set up and the garage cleared out.  He then pulled our Jeep in only to find it doesn’t fit the way we had hoped it would.  We have bigger cars.  I drive a Mustang and sometimes a Jeep Grand Cherokee.  Both cars are pretty long and wide so it is going to be a tight fit even after moving a few more things.  I guess I should have bought smaller cars!  It’s just disappointing because one of the reasons we moved was the 2 car garage instead of the 1 car garage we had.  
How was your week?
What I’m Reading
I listened to almost half of Friendship on Fire by Melissa Foster last Sunday while organizing my bookshelves and finished it up at work.  I finished Amelia Unabridged by Ashley Schumacher Friday night and really enjoyed the story.  I also finished Into the Fire by Jeaniene Frost on Friday night and loved this final installment in Vlad’s series.

I can’t remember if I actually picked up What Big Teeth by Rose Szabo this week even though it started out great.  I just haven’t been able to work a lot of reading time into my days lately.  I have been waiting to start Wild Sign by Patricia Briggs but couldn’t wait any longer.  I am about a third of the way through the book and am loving it!

Books Added 
Legacy by Nora Roberts (NetGalley)
Finding Freedom by Erin French (Bookish First)

February Owlcrate – I actually avoided all spoilers for this book and enjoyed the surprise when I opened it!

Favorite Bookstagram Post of the Week

What books do you add to your shelves this week? 
Let me know in the comments and be sure to leave a link to your own STS post!

13 responses to “Stacking the Shelves #250

  1. I can't believe it was that warm by you. It was like 50 here the other day, and I was cracking the windows. I think my mother would have turned on the air if it hit 70. I am jealous, though. Did you post a picture of all this work you did organizing your shelves? I would love to see the fruits of your labor.

  2. I know! The weather this week was kind of insane. I mean it was definitely nicer than the below freezing temps. I love cold weather, but when I say that I mean above freezing! Lol. We've got upper 50s and low 60s for our high next week and that sounds just dandy to me! I already see myself needing my books organized right away when I unpack them when I can eventually move. Of course that's going to be a loooooot of boxes, my hope is that I can organize them by book case. We'll see how that goes down the line!

    Nice new reads! Those are new to me ones but I hope you enjoy them all!

    Here's my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  3. We had a great weather last week, but it cooled down again yesterday. I think it was -20 C so it's pretty cold. Back to parkas, beanies, and mittens for us.

    Great haul! I hope you'll enjoy them, Carole.

    Happy reading.

  4. Shelf organization days are fun but exhausting. Also, reminds you of all the books you forget. haha. I've been seeing Amelia Unabridged and I'm really curious now.
    Hope you have a great week ahead, Carole!

  5. We are back to seasonably warm weather here in Texas too! Of course our front flowerbed didn't survive the week of snow we had, so we'll get to plant some new things there in the coming weeks. From what I've seen on instagram, your shelves look gorgeous. Congrats!

  6. So great to spend time with your books and organizing, it's one of my favorite things. It was sunny and 70s here today but tomorrow is back to rain and cooler temps. I own all the Vlad books on audio but haven't read them yet. I LOVED Wild Sign and I also got Legacy for review. Have a lovely week Carole!

    Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  7. I have never had a two car garage I can comfortably get two cars in. Our garage is considered an "oversize" two car and it's still pretty tight. The weather is getting warm here too and I'm so excited. We'll have a cold snap I'm sure but for now I'm happy to not be cold. Organizing books is so fun but so overwhelming. I always have a moment where I feel like I have bitten off way more then I can chew. I hope you have a wonderful week.

  8. Hooray for the warmer temps. I *love* organizing my bookshelves and will invent reasons to re-do them and re-organize. 🙂 That's frustrating about the garage.