Happy New Year’s Eve!
We are about to flip the calendar to 2023 so this is the perfect time to make a few plans for the upcoming year.
The Blog
The blog just turned 9 a couple of weeks ago and a lot has changed over the years. But I think that I have found what works for me and what doesn’t. There may be some small changes in the upcoming year but I am really happy to continue as I have been. One area that I would like to improve on is being more consistent with visiting other blogs and commenting.
Books and Reading
The goals that I made last year were actually a big help and I hope that this year will be similar. I have been working on a few of these goals for a while so they may look similar to you if you have been following me for a while.
- Read at least 6 books that are past due on NetGalley – I read so many past due books in 2022 and I am really close to being completely caught up. Some of these past-due books have been hanging around for 9 years and I am just ready to be caught up. I have 12 past-due books left on my NetGalley shelf but one book is the third book in a trilogy of long books and another is an omnibus of a 1,800-page trilogy. If I can read at least half of these books, I will be happy.
- Stay current with 2023 ARCs – I have actually read every NetGalley book I downloaded published in 2022. It feels so good not to leave any books from 2022 on my shelf. I haven’t done quite as well with print books sent to me by publishers but quite a few of the 2022 books that I received from publishers were unsolicited. It is so much easier to stay on top of these as they come instead of trying to catch up later.
- Read my past due books from publishers – Now that I have worked on those past due books from NetGalley and Edelweiss, it is time to tackle all of the print books that I have received but not yet read. I am sure that the publishers aren’t worried about whether I read these books or not anymore but it will make me feel better to scratch them from my tbr pile.
- Read from my own shelves – I have been doing better with this but I still own a lot of unread books. This year I hope to read a Stephen King book, a book from the Charley Davidson series, and a J.D. Robb book every month. I am finding that scheduling these reads really works for me and I am looking forward to reading these books that have been on my tbr forever.
2023 Challenges
I know that a lot of people love challenges but I don’t need anything else to keep track of in my life so I will be once again excusing myself for joining in on any challenges. The only exception that I plan to make is the Goodreads challenge which I plan to set at 100 books once again this year.
I am probably not going to change too much on Bookstagram. I would love to post every day but it just isn’t always possible. I do enjoy taking photos and seeing just how creative other people are. The platform is really pushing reels so I am going to try to incorporate them into my page a little more next year. It is a fun community and I can do most of it on my phone during short breaks during my workday. I would, of course, love my followers but it is what it is.
Books I cannot wait to read in 2023!

What are some of your blogging or reading goals for 2023?
I always say I want to read more of my own books. It’s a great goal and my cheapskate heart should be all about that. I try, but often am lured by library books. At least I am not spending, right? Good luck with your goals Carole!
Great recap on your year and the upcoming goals you have for 2023! I am glad that you were able to accomplish so many of these. I absolutely loved seeing you work on your backlist netgalley reads. As I recently did that, I understand completely. I also love the community on Bookstagram as well. Cheers to a wonderful 2023!
I love your goals and your picks for 2023! I look forward to reading your reviews. I still think you should join COYER community facebook, even if you don’t do any of the challenges of it.Like the Sunday post, it’s a key connection to the blogging world friends for me.
I like yours.
I only sign up for two challenges: The Goodreads one and Kimberly’s Audiobook one. I don’t bother with any others. I did make both this year, so I’m happy about that. Congrats on completing your challenge! I don’t know that I’ll make an organized effort on reels for Instagram, but who knows. I like posting pics when I have the time.
Congrats on nine years! I hit my 10 year anniversary this last June but of course I forgot to do anything special, lol. It was during the time of my move so I’m not surprised. I’m trying to get my old ARCs off Netgalley and Edelweiss, as well. Good luck!
Like you, I don’t do any reading challenges. I just want to read what I want to read without feeling pressured to read for particular prompts or challenges. That just doesn’t appeal to me. Good luck with your goals, Carole!
Those are great goals and I’m a firm believer in not fixing what is already working for you. I thought you did fab making a huge dint in your eARC review books and reading others from your own shelf or in series.
I’m sticking with my previous year’s plan, too. It really kept my reading vibrant to go 50/40/10 on my reading with TBR/Review/Library books and, like you, to actually have scheduled slots for not just review books, but all reading. I’ve only picked up challenges that will work with these goals, but I hear ya on not wanting to bother with the tracking and linking part.
Luck to you in 2023, Carole!
Good luck with your goals for this year–I know you can do it! Those 2023 books all look so good! I hope look forward to reading your thoughts on them when you read them. Have a great year, Carole!
Congratulations on 9 years! Great job on getting caught up on your NetGalley books. That’s one of my goals for 2023. Good luck with your goals!
Omg a new Rybourne! I have not read the latest yet
Great goals. I hope you reach every one. I have quite a number of books sent to me directly from a publisher or an author that I’ve been sitting on for very long now and I keep feeling guilty about it. I want to make a big dent in those.