Weekly Wrap Up #414

Posted May 26, 2024 by Carole in Stacking the Shelves / 6 Comments

I am really excited to participate in The Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Reading Reality.

My Life

I am so tired. It was another busy week. My husband and I attended an author event at one of the local library branches. I enjoyed listening to Rachel Khong discussing her new book Real Americans. I worked at the bookstore on Tuesday and Thursday nights and again for a long shift on Saturday. After I got off work on Saturday, we celebrated my niece and nephew’s tenth birthday at my mom’s house.

I am off work today and we really need to get new mulch in our flowerbeds. It may rain so we will have to play it by ear. I hope that everyone has a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.

How was your week?

What I’m Reading

I only listened to 2 audiobooks this week. I began the week with a quick re-read (re-listen?) of The Fireborne Blade by Charlotte Bond because the twist was so surprising that I wanted to listen again. I really enjoyed Heavenbreaker by Sara Wolf. It did take me a bit to get into this book but I was hooked once I did.

I am still working on The Night Ends with Fire by K.X. Song and hope to finish it soon. I grabbed a copy of the audiobook and may start over with it soon. I have listened to just a bit of Savor It by Tarah DeWitt and have high hopes for it. I started The Wren in the Holly Library by K.A. Linde on a whim and am loving it!

Books Added

You Like It Darker by Stephen King (Purchased); If We Were Giants by Dave Matthews and Clete Barrett Smith (Purchased); Pink Slime by Fernanda Trias (Publisher)

Mind Games by Nora Roberts (Publisher); A Mask of Flies by Matthew Lyons (Publisher)

Favorite Instagram Post of the Week

What books do you add to your shelves this week? 

6 responses to “Weekly Wrap Up #414

  1. I hope all goes well with the flower beds and that you can get some rest. Author events are fun. Your library gets some great ones. Glad to hear you are enjoying Savor It. I loved it. Fingers crossed it holds up for you.

  2. I am missing author signings after having so many from January to March. Sadly, there hasn’t been an author I like to read that’s come. I do plan to go to the Megan Bannen one in July though, so that will be fun! Hope you’re able to get your mulch done today. It’s raining by me as I write this, I had a rough night sleeping for some reason so I might be having a lazy Sunday today!

    Nice new reads! Those are new to me ones but I hope you enjoy them all!

    Here’s my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  3. I agree with I am so tired. I am not reading at bedtime because I am too tired. I LOVED Mind Games. I am considering The Wren in the Holly Library. I hope we both get more rest this week!

    Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post