Genre: Fiction / Romance / Suspense

Reviews – The Drift & Immortal in Death

Reviews – The Drift & Immortal in Death

Posted February 15, 2023 by Carole in Reviews / 9 Comments

I didn’t love this one like I had hoped that I would but I didn’t hate it either. I typically love C.J. Tudor’s books but sometimes a book just doesn’t work as well for me for one reason or another. I tend to enjoy the dire kind of scenarios like the one featured in this […]

Review – Glory in Death in J.D. Robb

Review – Glory in Death in J.D. Robb

Posted January 14, 2023 by Carole in Reviews / 14 Comments

I really liked this book! I have been wanting to read this series for a long time and must admit that I have been more than a little intimidated by just how big the series. I read the first book in the series not quite two years ago and I am realizing that I need […]

Review – Twisted Truths by Rebecca Zanetti

Review – Twisted Truths by Rebecca Zanetti

Posted March 21, 2022 by Carole in Reviews / 14 Comments

I liked this book a lot! It was so nice to get Denver’s story and to finally get some resolution for the Blood Brothers series as well as the earlier Sin Brothers series. This is the third book in the Blood Brothers series which is a spin-off of the Sin Brothers series so I wouldn’t […]

Review – Lethal Lies by Rebecca Zanetti

Review – Lethal Lies by Rebecca Zanetti

Posted January 29, 2022 by Carole in Reviews / 7 Comments

After finishing my re-read of this first book in this series, I was eager to dive into the second book in the trilogy. I found this to be another entertaining story that hooked me quickly and held my interest until the very end. This is the second book in the Blood Brothers trilogy and I […]

Review – Do or Die by Suzanne Brockmann

Review – Do or Die by Suzanne Brockmann

Posted January 28, 2022 by Carole in Reviews / 5 Comments

I ended up really liking this one. I feel like this book has been sitting on my virtual shelves forever. I am so glad that I finally decided to tackle it. It has been a long time since I read any of this author’s work but I found this to be rather enjoyable. Ian and […]

Review – Deadly Silence by Rebecca Zanetti

Review – Deadly Silence by Rebecca Zanetti

Posted January 22, 2022 by Carole in Reviews / 9 Comments

Audiobook Re-Read – Quick Thoughts I liked this book more the second time around. Now that I have read the Sin Brothers series a lot of things in this book just made more sense. Just having that background information added a lot to my enjoyment of the story. I remembered very little of the book […]

Books from the Backlog #194

Books from the Backlog #194

Posted December 30, 2021 by Carole in Books from the Backlog / 11 Comments

Books from the Backlog is a fun way to feature some of those neglected books sitting on your bookshelf unread.  If you are anything like me, you might be surprised by some of the unread books hiding in your stacks. If you would like to join in, please feel free to enter your link, link […]

Books from the Backlog #188

Books from the Backlog #188

Posted November 18, 2021 by Carole in Books from the Backlog / 9 Comments

Books from the Backlog is a fun way to feature some of those neglected books sitting on your bookshelf unread.  If you are anything like me, you might be surprised by some of the unread books hiding in your stacks. If you would like to join in, please feel free to enter your link, link […]