Stacking the Shelves #67

Posted April 29, 2017 by Carole in Stacking the Shelves / 22 Comments

I am really excited to participate in Stacking the Shelves, a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews
What a week!  I have a feeling that things are going to be very busy for the next few weeks until school lets out for the year.  My daughter had a jazz band event all day Sunday.  It was nice but really exhausting.  I had a migraine that started on Sunday and didn’t leave me for a couple of days so I fell a bit behind with reading and blogging.  I didn’t even pick up a book Monday and decided to watch Finding Dorie on Netflix instead – it was cute!   I took the day off from work on Thursday to go to a Cardinals baseball game with some of my husband, oldest daughter, and her friend.  It ended up being a really exciting game.  We also found out today that my daughter was selected to be one of the drum majors for her high school marching band.  She is very excited.

Digital Books

Wildfire by Ilona Andrews (Edelweiss)

Guys…I got an Ilona Andrews arc!  I squealed at my desk when I got the email just like a little kid.  I started reading it right away and absolutely loved it. 

Print Books

My Nest Isn’t Empty, It Just Has More Closet Space
by Lisa Scottoline & Francesca Serritella (Author Pre-Order Gift)

Lisa Scottoline had an amazing offer of a free book for anyone who pre-ordered her latest book, One Perfect Lie.  I enjoy these humorous books that she writes with her daughter and am looking forward to reading it.  I have taken Lisa Scottoline up on this offer a few times so keep it in mind if you ever find yourself pre-ordering one of her books.

Back to Your Love by Kianna Alexander (Won @ Book Girl of Mur-y-Castell)

I was thrilled to learn that I won a copy of Back to Your Love from Blodeuedd @ Book Girl of Mur-y-Castell.  It looks like a good story and it is the first in a new series.  Thank you!

Goodbye Days by Jeff Zentner (Blogging for Books)

I am really excited to read this book and may try to fit it in this weekend.  My daughter just found out that this author is going to be stopping by her school in the next week or two so I may be able to get it signed which would make it even better 🙂

What books do you add to your shelves this week? 
Let me know in the comments and be sure to leave a link to your own STS post!

22 responses to “Stacking the Shelves #67

  1. This week on my blog the books I grabbed were politics and the end of the world-all non fiction for once! You certainly had a busy week! I'm much happier to have things being relaxed and quiet to keep my stress levels low! Have a good weekend!

  2. OOh nice!! It's always wonderful when you receive that ARC you've been anticipating the most! Happy Reading!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  3. I have Goodbye Days on my wishlist. It's also awesome that Zentner is going to your daughter's school! Have a great weekend, Carole! 🙂

  4. So sorry to hear of the migraines. I know how you feel with those. They are so awful. Can't wait to see what you think of Goodbye Days! It sounds like a really good one. Hope you have a great (migraine-free) week!

  5. Bummer about the migraine, but yay for your daughter.

    Nice haul. That is neat about the author Lisa Scottoline does and woohoo on the Ilona Andrews arc. I get excited like that when I get picked for ones I really want to read.

    Have a great Saturday, Carole!

  6. Congratulations about your daughter, thats awesome. I hope you start to feel better next week 🙂
    Great haul, I hope you enjoy your new books 🙂
    Here is my STS 

  7. I'm excited for the Ilona Andrews book, too! I loved the first book in this series. 🙂

    I have added Pipe Dreams by Sarina Bowen and Concourse by Santino Hassell to my to be read for the week.

  8. Yay for the Ilona Andrews ARC! And Goodbye Days is supposed to be quite good I've heard. Enjoy all your reads and have a great weekend!

  9. Oh my goodness, I hope you feel much better, and quickly! Migraines are no fun. :/ I've seen that Ilona Andrews book on several hauls this weekend! I have yet to read a book by her. D: I hope you enjoy all of your new books, Carole!

    Have a wonderful weekend. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  10. Congrats to your daughter, that was wonderful. Sorry to hear you weren't feeling well this week, glad you're doing better. Dory is so fun watch, both movies are great. Enjoy your new reads.

  11. Congrats to your daughter! That's awesome. Yay, getting a new Ilona Andrews book is always exciting! Have a great week, even if it will be busy.

  12. I've read most of My Next Husband Will Be a Dog by Lisa Scottoline and her daughter and have never laughed so hard in my life. I've only read one Ilona Andrews book but I did like it. So glad you got a copy of this new one!

  13. I'm excited for the Andrew's series. I guess they have arc's for both books 2&3 so I was confused lol I need to check that whole thing out so I don't miss them when they come out.

    For What It's Worth

  14. I still haven't watched Finding Dory yet, but I want to! And it's okay to have those days where you don't even read anything at all! I also am so curious about the new book by Jeff Z! I see you have a review of it already, so I'll be checking it out.