July 2017 – Monthly Wrap-Up

Posted August 3, 2017 by Carole in Monthly Wrap-Up / 36 Comments

July 2017
If I had to sum up July with one word…it would be HOT!  It was pretty miserable for some of the month and I ended up floating in my pool more than usual.  We were off of work the first week of the month and had fun hanging out around the house.  I read a lot more books than I usually get through in a month which is a bit of a surprise since I started the month out pretty slow in regards to reading.  I was pretty consistent with blogging in July, posting 27 days in the month. 

I am linking this post to the Monthly Wrap-Up at Feed Your Fiction Addiction.
Reviews Posted

Reading Stats
Books Read: 20 total
Audiobooks: 8
Digital Books: 10
Print Books: 2
3 of these were re-reads

Book Source for Books Read in July
NetGalley: 6
Edelweiss: 2
First to Read: 2
Sent by the Publisher: 4
Purchased: 4
Borrowed: 2

Goodreads: 112/100 – Completed!!
Blogger Shame: 0 read towards the challenge in July

Favorites of the Month
Up Next
How was your month? Do you have any reading or blogging goals for July?

36 responses to “July 2017 – Monthly Wrap-Up

  1. My month was great but stinky reading-wise. Like you, I took a week off for a stay-cation but I got zero reading done! We did some road-tripping to nearby locations we had never visited in the 20+ years we've lived in our state. It was fun but I missed reading.

  2. I like Harlan Coben's books, will definitely pick that one up. I have one Ilona Andrews book on my shelf, am currently reading Christine Feehan's Carpathian series, and loving it!! Nice books!!

  3. Yes, blistering hot for us, too. Sorry your reading was down this month, but great that you made your blogging posts. Love the variety in your books read stacked.

    Have a great August, Carole!

  4. Sorry about the heat. Glad to hear you had an awesome reading month in July, Carole. I hope you have another one this month. Happy reading.
    I need to check out some of your posts. πŸ™‚

  5. Spellbook was so good! I hope you love it. One of my blogging goals is to do more discussion posts. They are really hard, but I am trying.

  6. I can relate to the hot! Not only have you had a consistent week but it looks like all your books were great reads too! I'm really excited to see what you think of The Spell Book of the Lost and Found. I'm really curious about that one.

  7. Yay for being able to get so much more reading done than usual! But YES, it has been so hot here in NC. Our air conditioner broke and is still not completely fixed so I am hoping it will cool down soon. :

  8. July were I live was hot too! Most of my time was spent either in front of a fan or in AC. August, though, has been a lot cooler. I can even smell fall slightly, which makes the fall lover in me so happy. That's awesome you go so many books read this month! The Spellbook of the Lost and Found looks amazing. I'll be curious to hear your thoughts on it. Happy reading! πŸ™‚

    Lauren @ Lauren's Crammed Bookshelf