Stacking the Shelves #126

Posted July 7, 2018 by Carole in Stacking the Shelves / 42 Comments

I am really excited to participate in Stacking the Shelves, a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality.

My Life
I have been on vacation, really a staycation, this past week.  I had all kinds of plans regarding the things I was going to get done both on the blog and around the house.  I did nothing.  I woke up with a migraine early Tuesday morning and didn’t feel better from that until late afternoon.  We squeezed a lot of appointments into the week which took up a lot more time than I had planned but at least they are done. 
On the 4th, my daughter marched with her high school marching band in the local parade.  My daughter is one of the drum majors and is expected to walk backwards anytime the band is playing which was most of the parade route.  I guess I went into overprotective mom mode and stayed right by her during the parade to make sure she didn’t fall like she did last year.  Some of the kids had a really hard time with the parade this year due to the heat.  Imagine carrying a tuba or 40 pound drum in excessive heat and marching in formation while playing. These kids really do work hard and always amaze me.  I was just glad that this old lady made it to the end even though I was worthless for the remainder of the day.  This is the final 4th of July parade that my daughter will participate in with her high school since she will graduate in May and I can’t really say that I am all that sad about it.
One of the other band moms snapped this photo of me right before the parade was going to start.  My daughter is in front of me and I was already incredibly hot even though we really hadn’t started yet. 
Books Added

Magic Triumphs by Ilona Andrews (NetGalley)

Magic Triumphs.  I have this book and I have already read it.  It is absolutely amazing!

Let Me Love You by Jessica Jayne (Caffeinated Service)

I thought that Let Me Love You would be a good book to listen to during my time off this week.  I am a little more than halfway through the book and it is proving to be a nice easy listen.

What books do you add to your shelves this week? 
Let me know in the comments and be sure to leave a link to your own STS post!

42 responses to “Stacking the Shelves #126

  1. I give major props to those kids in band. They work hard at practice! Some of my son's CC/Track teammates in high school also did band and would run 7-10 miles a day AND band practice. Sometimes they'd have to rush to play at a game or competition right after a meet. The energy with these kids, man! 😀

    • These kids do work really hard. It is a lot of work for everyone connected to the band including parents. I don't know how some of these kids juggle all of their activities while keeping good grades.

  2. Marching carrying that weight in the heat sounds really tough going-I can barely move myself around! It's amazing how the things we have to do eat up so much time that we want to use for fun stuff. Here's hoping you get some me time this weekend.

    • It was a really hot parade this year but only about 5 kids had to be moved to the truck following the band. All of the other kids worked the entire way! I am all alone today so I guess I am getting my me time 🙂

  3. i wasn't in the band, but I had to do a lot of marching when I was a St John's cadet. Can't say I regret working hard though, taught me discipline and resilience, so I am glad she did it, will make her stronger =D

  4. Wow. That's a dedicated band! It's been sooooo hot lately, I'm melting…and missing Wisconsin which was a glorious 20 degrees cooler! Lol!!

    Nice new read! Seeing a bit of this one! Sadly I never could get into the series but I hope you enjoy it!

    And did you change your blog theme? It looks really nice! I love the light blue color!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  5. My friend was a band mom twice and she was marching and pep band at university so your band anecdotes have been similar to hers, for me. Glad you saw her off with her last parade as a highschooler in style. 🙂

    Oh yum! Magic Triumphs.

    Have a good rest of the weekend, Carole!

  6. It takes a special person to be a band parent. I remember being sort of happy that my daughter settled on dance, because I didn't really have to do stuff outdoors. I am glad your daughter made it through the parade without injury.

    • I am glad that she enjoys band but have been a bit surprised by how hard the parents have to work. I thought I was done with this kind of stuff 🙂 I was very happy to make it to the end without any falls!

  7. We still have lots in common. I was in marching band in high school and college! I also got Magic Triumphs, already read it and LOVED it. I seriously thought about that audio but decided I needed to just get finished with the ones I have, which is working fine. And it was also a staycation week for me with a ton of med appts MTTh. Wed on the 4th a tree went thru the roof of the house, tore off the gutter and we have 2 holes in the roof. Tomorrow it's back to work for me. But I got some reading and sewing accomplished. Anne – Books of My Heart

  8. Sounds like a busy and hot 4th for you. I did nothing but stay inside, no fireworks, not a fan of them and they bother my dogs. It's just be so hot I haven't even mowed my lawn but I am going to have to break down and do it…blah.

    • I have two dogs that are scared of fireworks and I am not much of a fan either. We did go to visit friends on the 3rd and they shot some off. I will be honest…it kind of looked like burning up money to me 🙂

  9. That band sounds amazing. It's very hard work and it's been excessively hot everywhere the last week or so.

    Hope you have a great week! My Sunday post is here.

  10. As much as I enjoyed band, I always hated parades in the hot summer heat. You're such a trooper! I didn't get much done on my staycation either but I DID get the latest Stephen King devoured. I feel complete 🙂

  11. We have actually had events, including sports,cancelled before because of the heat. It's going to be brutal this year too. Glad everyone came through it okay.

  12. Those parades are tough! I can totally relate. My two daughters were both in the Memorial Day parade this year and it was hot then too, although probably nothing like on the 4th. But yes those kids have to be tough!

    Hope you had a great staycation!

  13. Whenever I see the Magic Triumphs cover I get super excited. I can't wait to start reading it! I am thinking of doing a reread of the entire series first though

  14. Great books you have here. I really can't wait to grab up Magic Triumps. I am a bit saddened that this is the last book in the series since I love Curran and Kate together.

  15. I think it took me about a year to actually start missing having kids in band and even now I think it's less missing and more remembering with fondness! That first year was enjoying not having ALL the band stuff! Glad you survived the parade. I would have needed a shower and a nap after. Have a great week!