July 2018 – Monthly Wrap-Up

Posted August 3, 2018 by Carole in Monthly Wrap-Up / 34 Comments

July 2018
July has been quite the month for me.  I was on vacation from work during the week of July 4th so the month got off to a fantastic start.  My daughter spent the second week of the month in West Virginia with a friend and then came back to start the required summer band camp for her high school marching band.  I had surgery to repair a hernia towards the end of the month and just returned to work yesterday after 2 weeks at home.

I was really home for much of the month of July and I had thought that my reading totals would be up as a result. I was wrong since my totals were very similar to last months numbers.  I listen to audiobooks at work and those numbers were down for me in July but I did read a few more digital/print books than usual. 

I am linking this post to the Monthly Wrap-Up at Feed Your Fiction Addiction.
Reviews Posted 
(not necessarily read in July)

Reading Stats
Books Read: 17 total
Audiobooks: 4
Digital Books: 9
Print Books: 4
Book Source for Books Read in July
NetGalley: 2
Edelweiss: 1
First to Read: 2
Direct from Publisher/Author: 7
 Purchased/Free: 4
Won: 1
Re-reads: 2

Goodreads: 112/100
Blogger Shame: 0 read towards the challenge in July / 14 total for the year

End of the Month NetGalley Stats
Feedback Ratio: 80%
501 Approved | 402 Feedback Sent

End of the Month Edelweiss Stats
12 books to review  | 76 downloaded

Favorites of the Month

Up Next

How was your month? Do you have any reading or blogging goals for August?

34 responses to “July 2018 – Monthly Wrap-Up

  1. I noticed that I get less read when I'm on vacation or off my usual schedule, too. So many other things to do.

    Still, you have pretty respectable numbers there. Way to go!
    Hope your hernia is healed and wishing you a great August!

  2. Hope you're recovering from your surgery ok. Don't go lifting too big a book for a while!
    I'm doing chuckles August Authorfest this month so anticipating lots of shiny new authors 🙂

  3. 17 books is pretty awesome, but yeah, my numbers are higher when I am at work listening to books. I just finished Bishop this morning, and I am thinking I will love this series. It was a solid start for me. I wish there had been a little more to the ending, but at least we know the couple will be back in future books.

    • I usually get though quite a few audiobooks during the month while I work. I just don't tend to listen when I am home a whole lot. I am looking forward to Bishop so I am thrilled to hear that you liked it.

  4. You have some great stuff. I've been reading some of the same things. 🙂 My library purchased The Accidentals for me but I haven't gotten to reading it yet. Ugh.

    I hope now you are feeling better. I've got some the same books up for August also. Anne – Books of My Heart

  5. That's interesting that your reading totals didn't really change. I would have thought it would have gone up as well but it does make sense that it didn't. I know the times when I've been home sick or injured I don't do much reading. Hope August is fantastic!

  6. You still managed to read quite a lot of books! I am glad you enjoyed your holiday and hopefully that recovery from surgery is going well. Audiobooks are great to listen to when you aren't up to reading many physical copies at the time.

  7. Your reading month was awesome for July. I never read close to that many, unless I'm studying picture books. I remember band camp with my daughters–lots of hours for them rehearsing and the parents preparing the evening meal (I really enjoyed my time in the kitchen getting to know the other parents).