Stacking the Shelves #190

Posted October 5, 2019 by Carole in Stacking the Shelves / 17 Comments

I am really excited to participate in Stacking the Shelves, a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality.

My Life
There was really nothing too exciting this week.  Work has been really busy which makes the day go faster but I am having a hard time keeping up with everything.  I fell way behind on commenting simply because I couldn’t stand to look at a computer after my 8 hours at the office were over.  Hopefully, I will get some time to catch up with everyone this weekend.

I decided to start putting my gym membership to use again this week and went for 45 minutes right after work on 3 days during the week and walked with a neighbor on another night.  I am hoping to keep this up since I kind of fell off the exercise wagon when we adopted our puppy and it is time I get back to it!

Piper is almost as big as Molly now.  Stella can be seen in the corner of the
 photo as she is off to hide because I was taking pictures.  

I am flying through audiobooks but it is taking me forever to get through other books.  I have been reading The Institute for almost 3 weeks and I am going to finish it this weekend or else!

Books Added

Big Lies in a Small Town by Diane Chamberlain (Publisher)
Imaginary Friend by Stephen Chbosky (Publisher)
Been There, Married That by Gigi Levangie (Publisher)

Alone in the Wild by Kelley Armstrong (NetGalley)
Wicked Hour by Chloe Neill (NetGalley)
Follow Me by Kathleen Barber (NetGalley)
Moonlighter by Sarina Bowen (Author/Publicist)
Ravencry by Ed McDonald (Audible Purchase)
From Here to Eternity by Caitlyn Doughty (Audible Purchase)
American Panda by Gloria Chao (Audible Purchase)
Fortress of Blood by L.D. Goffigan (For Review)

What books do you add to your shelves this week? 
Let me know in the comments and be sure to leave a link to your own STS post!

17 responses to “Stacking the Shelves #190

  1. Wow Piper didn't stay small for long did she! She seems to grow so much every week! I'm sorry to hear about the reading struggles. I hate when I feel like I'm ploughing through treacle with my reads. I hope you get back to good reading soon.

  2. Sorry to hear things are overly busy at work. Hope that things calm down somewhat for you. Congrats on exercising again. I wake myself up early to get a workout in as when I'm done batting downtown traffic when I get home, I just want to chillax. Lol.

    Nice new reads! I found out I won a copy of Imaginary Friend from Goodreads and can't wait for that to arrive though not sure when I will be able to read it as I saw that it was a pretty big book! Hope you enjoy all the lovely new reads!

    My StS will be up tomorrow, so stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  3. I like your plan for getting back on the exercise regime. I find I gain more energy to face the rest of the day when I keep up with my walks and workouts.

    I grabbed Alone in the woods, too.

    Have a great week, Carole!

  4. Excellent on the exercise – I need to get back to mine but I can barely keep up with the house stuff and errands and unpacking etc. I also have the good with audiobooks, horrible with anything else problem right now. I just fall asleep when I go to bed instead of reading an hour or two, and I get up earlier in the morning. I also got Wicked Hour by Chloe Neill.

    I hope your week and reading are amazing this week!

    Anne – Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

  5. I know the feeling of not wanting to look at a computer after being on one all day at work. I hope things calm down for you. I really need to make more time for exercising, even just walking. Been There, Married That is such a great title! I love it. Wicked Hour looks good and I keep seeing Moonlighter everywhere. I may have to give that on a try too. I hope you enjoy all your new books. Have a great week, Carole.

  6. I have wanted to read American Panda for quite awhile. I keep forgetting to look for it on Hoopla. I'll be looking out for your thoughts on it. ?✨

    Have a wonderful week! ?

  7. I don't know if you can hear me, but I am applauding your return to the gym. I am going to start going again, at least Saturday and Sunday and see where it goes from there. I am really turning into a sloth. Been There Married That looked fun. I hope it's good for you. I liked American Panda and AHHHHHHH! You have Moonlighter. I am excited about that book! Can't wait to hear what you think.

  8. Puppies will turn your life around. Piper is getting so big! Congrats on the gym and walking. I walked Cass twice a day unless it's raining and I'm a tad worried about him not getting out as much with winter coming. Since he lost Booker, he looks forward to walking so much. Have a great week!

  9. Puppies are just exercise on their own. I think all their energy saps the energy of those around them because while adorable they're exhausting! Good for you for getting back to the gym. I definitely need to find my way back to an exercise routine. I'm always happier and feel better when I'm exercising regularly. Have a great week!

  10. I forgot to request an ARC of Moonlighter, and I'm pretty devastated. On the upside, I still get to look forward to it! LOL

    Thanks for sharing. 🙂

  11. Ah, I can understand! When it comes to screen time I can't do too much either. In fact, I actually read to take breaks from the screen! Imaginary Friend and American Panda are books I want to try so I will be curious to see what you think of those ones x