Weekly Wrap Up #321

Posted July 31, 2022 by Carole in Stacking the Shelves / 7 Comments

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I am really excited to participate in The Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Reading Reality.

My Life

My week was pretty quiet. I am feeling pretty lucky even though I didn’t win the Mega Millions drawing. On Tuesday, record rains hit St. Louis. Even though we have only been in our current house for 2 years, we have lived in our subdivision since December 2000 and I have never seen anything like this storm. We are lucky and our house is fine but many of my neighbors were not so lucky. There is a creek near one section of my neighborhood and the water rose so quickly that it caused the sewers to back up. One street was hit hard and people lost a lot. The street is currently full of furniture, appliances, and dumpsters to collect the items that are now trash. The water was so high many neighbors lost the cars parked in their driveways.

I have been trying to take it easy this past week since next Sunday, I am hosting my daughter’s bridal shower and there is a lot to do. Today, we are picking up my younger daughter’s bridesmaid dress and maybe see if there is anything that I can wear. I hate spending money on a dress that I know I will only wear once but it is what it is.

How was your week?

What I’m Reading

This was really a good reading week! I finished reading I Told You This Would Happen by Elaine Murphy and had a great time with it. I am continuing to work my way through Rebecca Zanetti’s books at a rate of one per month and was able to get Storm Gathering in before July is over. Project Namahana by John Teschner was a little harder to get into but there were things that I really liked about it. I absolutely loved The Bodyguard by Katherine Center and have a feeling that it will be one of my top reads for 2022.

I was a little worried about The Valkyrie’s Daughter by Tiana Warner after the cover change, title change, and delay in publication but it is really fantastic so far and I cannot wait to read more of it.

Books Added

Curse of Shadows by A.K. Wilder (Publisher); Before I Let Go by Kennedy Ryan (Publisher)

Favorite Instagram Post of the Week

What books do you add to your shelves this week? 

7 responses to “Weekly Wrap Up #321

  1. Oh my gosh that’s awful. I’m so sorry to hear that. THose poor people losing vehicles!

    Anyway- good luck with the bridal shower! I like your books this week. Those covers are all so different but they all look fun.

  2. Glad to hear you didn’t suffer any damage from the rain! We had a tiny bit of water come into the basement during the first downpour on Monday. Luckily only a few boxes were on the floor and got a little wet, but everything inside them was okay, so it was a win in some respect! Yes, sadly, we didn’t get that Mega Millions either. It would’ve been nice though. I have a dream library room that needs building! Lol.

    Nice new reads! I sadly couldn’t get into Wilder’s first book when I got it. I wanted to love it, but it just wasn’t working for me. I hope you enjoy your new reads!

    Here’s my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  3. Wow! So happy to hear you made out ok in that storm. Seems there was a lot of weather wrecking havoc out west last week. I get what you say about spending money on a dress for one event (I feel the same way), but it is your daughter’s wedding, so totally worth the splurge. Center’s books are always so good. I hope she has a lot more stories to tell

  4. You are crazy busy now with the wedding coming up soon. I’m glad you avoided the major damage with the flooding. That can happen here also, but my home is the highest one on the street so unlikely for me plus no basements just crawl spaces. I hope you have a great week with no weird weather.

    Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  5. I’m glad to hear you didn’t suffer any damage and made it out okay! I’m fortunate enough that I live on a hill, but driving was absolute hell in the pouring rain since I was stuck going into the office. I also agree that I don’t think I’ve seen anything like this storm either, except for maybe a few years ago when it rained for three days straight.

    Good luck with the bridal shower!