January 2023
January was a quiet month for the most part. We spent a lot of time at home just hanging out and following our normal routine. One of my dogs tore her second ACL and now needs surgery on both back legs. Her first surgery is scheduled for the end of March and I am more than a little nervous about it.
My youngest daughter is living at home this semester while she is student teaching so that has been a bit of an adjustment but it is really nice to have her home. Together we have completed 6 puzzles during the month which has been a lot of fun.
I am off to a good start in 2023 with my reading. I am really surprised that I was able to finish as many books as I did during the month. It will be interesting to see if I can maintain the pace that I have set for the past couple of months. My guess is no. I am still plugging away at Instagram. I am ending the month with 3,745 followers.
Reading Stats
Books Read: 24
Audiobooks: 16
Digital Books: 7
Digital Books: 7
Print Books: 1
Re-Reads: 0
DNF: 0
Book Source for Books Read in January
NetGalley: 10
Edelweiss: 0
Direct from Publisher/Author/Narrator/Publicist: 12
Purchased/Freebie: 5
Kindle Unlimited/Audible Plus: 4
Borrowed/Library: 5
*Some books may fit into more than one category
Goodreads: 24/100
End of the Month NetGalley Stats
Feedback Ratio: 95%
Kindle Unlimited/Audible Plus: 4
Borrowed/Library: 5
*Some books may fit into more than one category
Goodreads: 24/100
End of the Month NetGalley Stats
Feedback Ratio: 95%
766 Approved | 727 Feedback Sent
End of the Month Edelweiss Stats
0 books to review | 99 downloaded
End of the Month Edelweiss Stats
0 books to review | 99 downloaded
Favorite of the Month
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How was your month? Do you have any reading or blogging goals for February?
How nice to have your daughter home. I hope her teaching practicum goes well. Congratulations on all your IG followers.
Yay for a quiet month for January. It’s always the best to do that for this month. Glad it was such a win for you! I really adore that. And I LOVE your ratio!! You are getting so close! I definitely need to read more ARC’s. Good job with Instagram. This past year I started to become more active on it, so I don’t have your level of followers but I am hoping to get to 2k by the end of the year.
Looking good Carole. Happy reading.
sherry @ fundinmental
You had a stellar month! I can’t believe your daughter is already to student teaching. Enjoy this time with her there.
Oh your poor dog. I feel bad for the pup. I hope surgery goes well.
Glad your January had some quiet times for puzzles and getting lots of books read. Hopefully the surgery for your dog will go smooth and take away the pain and struggle.
Have a great February, Carole!
Good start to January
I am curious about Angel Maker. You had a fantastic month. Good luck to your daughter and congrats on your milestones!
That’s great your daughter got a student teaching job so close to home! I’m sure it’s nice to have the time with her. I’ve known several dogs that have ACL surgery and it seems to go surprisingly easy. The hard part has seemed to be keeping the dogs from being too active! I hope your experience is similar.
Excellent list of books. 24 is a lot, well done. And good luck to you and your dog for the surgery. I hope that goes well.