Weekly Wrap Up #348

Posted February 5, 2023 by Carole in Stacking the Shelves / 24 Comments

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I am really excited to participate in The Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Reading Reality.

My Life

This was a pretty good week. We had some bad weather on Monday and my boss told me that I could work from home. It turned out that it was a very quiet day workwise so I spent the day working on a puzzle with my daughter who also had the day off.

The rest of the week was our normal routine of work, dog walking, and household chores. I spent a lot of time working on things related to blogging. I keep thinking that I am going to get caught up with reviews soon by posting 2 per day but I am reading so fast lately that I still have quite a few to write at any given time. I guess this is a good problem to have.

How was your week?

What I’m Reading

I finished 7 books this week. I finished Premediatated Myrtle by Elizabeth C. Bunce early in the week and thoroughly enjoyed this middle-grade novel. I then switched gears and dove into Abby Cooper, Psychic Eye by Victoria Laurie which I found to be quite entertaining. Lease on Love by Falon Ballard was a delightful romance that I had a hard time putting down. Immortal in Death by J.D. Robb was an excellent installment in a series that I am starting to really love. Roaring Shadows by Colleen Gleason gave the vampire-hunting action that I was looking for. I adored Off the Map by Trish Doller and realize that I need to read more of this author’s work asap. I decided to sneak a novella in to round out my week so I picked up Raging Winter by Colleen Gleason which was worth the read.

I am actually between books as I write this post but I plan to start reading This Time It’s Real by Ann Liang and A Witch’s Guide to Fake Dating a Demon by Sarah Hawley very soon.

Books Added

Tilly in Technicolor by Mazey Eddings (Publisher); Written in Bone by Sue Black (Publisher)

Favorite Instagram Post of the Week

What books do you add to your shelves this week? 

24 responses to “Weekly Wrap Up #348

  1. Reading too fast <– what a great problem to have. I honestly don't post reviews on the blog for all the books I read. I post four a week, and put something on my Goodreads about it. It's too exhausting for me to write full reviews for every book, but if you enjoy it, that's great. Lease on Love was wonderful (as was Ballard's follow-up), and Doller is a fave of mine. So glad you enjoyed both.

    • There have been a few books that I just post a quick review on Goodreads and move on. I am just in the habit of reviewing everything on the blog and I kind of want to make it work. It is kind of fun to try out new things to see what works.

  2. Nice! I feel like I’m struggling to remember how the week goes when I sit down to write this post! Weather included! I thought Wednesday was the bad day…but I guess Monday wasn’t so great either. Lol. I just started reading the second Finlay Donovan novel myself! Liking it so far! Hopefully I can make a decent dent into it today because I don’t think there’s anything planned. Guess I will see once everyone wakes up! Lol. Are you planning to go Elle Cosimano’s signing this week?

    Nice new reads! Those are new to me ones but I hope you enjoy them both!

    Here’s my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

    • It was Wednesday the week before. It is easy for me to remember because it changed my whole day since I didn’t have to go into the office. I am planning to go to Elle Cosimano’s signing tomorrow. I hope to see you there!

  3. Great week you have had there! I love that you are reading the J.D. Robb books too. Its such a massive series but I am determined to get through it haha but I adore Roarke. I hope you end up getting caught up on reviews. I definitely relate to that. Just do what is right for you.

    • It is a massive series but that just means that I have a lot to look forward to! Roarke is such a great character.

  4. Well being ahead on reading IS a good problem to have. I was finishing books the day before the review this week. UGH. But now I am a week ahead. That’s what can happen when I am waiting for a particular ARC. Yay for a quiet week.

    Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    • I tend to wait until the night before posting to write my reviews so I want to make sure that I don’t have too many books to review at any given time.

  5. Nice to stay safe at home and get a quiet day. Wow, seven books this week. LOL, definitely a good problem to have with too many reviews.

    Have a good week, Carole!

  6. Nice that you got to stay home with the bad weather. Driving in bad weather is scary!

    I finally requested the first in the Finlay Donovan series from my library. Looking forward to listening when I get it. I have Off the Map too, so happy to hear you loved it! Love reading books, writing the reviews isn’t as much fun. I have two I need to work up right now….

    • I was glad to stay home in the bad weather! I really don’t want to risk having my car damaged by getting out when we tend to be slow during bad weather anyway.

  7. I haven’t thought about the Abby Cooper, Psychic Eye books in years! They were fun, but I was never able to get my hands on the whole series. I have the first two Myrtle books on my Kindle; they look entertaining. You got a lot of reading done this week!

    • The Abby Cooper book was fun but I doubt that I will read more of the series since my library does not have the audiobooks available.

  8. I just added Tilly to my TBR as well. That is a lot of reading. Nice that you were able to work from home.

  9. Thanks for letting us have a peek into your life, yes last Monday was yukky and I’m always glad when those days happen that I am retired. Good luck completing all you want to do

    • We have about 10 more years until retirement but we are already on the countdown. I am just glad that I didn’t have to get out in the weather.

  10. Nice on the unexpected work from home day. I’m so far behind on reviews that I will never catch up. Not from reading too fast but because I rarely feel like stopping to review after I finish a book. I just want to dive into the next one. Before I know it I’ve read 6 or 8 books and the details are already fuzzy. I used to be so good about reviewing immediately after reading.

    • I never write review after finishing a book. I wait until the night before the post is scheduled to go live on my blog. I am trying to force myself out of that habit.