I am really excited to participate in The Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Reading Reality.
My Life
This was a week. One thing that is making it a little hard to adjust to having a part-time job is that my schedule changes from week to week. I am a fan of structure so changing things up from week to week is kind of a challenge. I worked Monday, Friday, and Saturday this past week. I was excited to have several days off in a row but things didn’t go exactly as planned.
On Wednesday, we woke up to no water. I was in the middle of a post-apocalyptic zombie book so my husband and I had been discussing which utilities we needed the most and I had said I needed running water more than anything. (His vote was for electricity.) So it was strange that just hours later, my water was out. I sometimes feel like we live in the Matrix. Anyway, I had to go to work without a shower which was horrible. I felt gross all day.
When I got home on Wednesday, the water was working again but I had to take one of the dogs to the vet which was a whole ordeal when I had to call my husband from the vet’s parking lot to help me get the stubborn pooch out of the damn car. We had been told that Piper needed to lose weight last year when the scale hit 73 lbs so the vet wasn’t happy to see that she had gained another 10 lbs. Oops.
How was your week?
What I’m Reading
I read 5 books this week. I listen to audiobooks while I am at my full-time job so that’s one reason that I am still reading so much. I also seem to escape into books when I am feeling stressed. I finished up Assistant to the Villain by Hannah Nicole Haehrer last weekend and can’t remember the last time I had so much fun with a book. Conspiracy in Death by J.D. Robb was a solid installment in the series. I actually started the second book in the Blood Gift duology but after an hour I realized that I didn’t know what was happening so I decided to listen to The Blood Trials by N.E. Davenport again before starting The Blood Gift. I spent a lot of my week reading one of my most anticipated new books World Without by Sarah Lyons Fleming. I know a lot of folks won’t even think about reading a zombie book but she writes some of the best characters that I have ever read. I cannot recommend her books enough. I ended the week listening to Game Changer by Rachel Reid and was not impressed by the narration. The story was great but the narration took me out of the story a bit.

I am currently not reading anything. I plan to start listening to Good Bad Girl by Alice Feeney soon. I am going to try not to get too deep in a book this week so I can do a better job of blog hopping and maybe get some reviews caught up.

Books Added

The Cinder Spires: the Aeronaut’s Windlass by Jim Butcher (Publisher); The Warm Hands of Ghosts by Katherine Arden (Publisher); The Bright Spot by Jill Shalvis (Publisher)
Favorite Instagram Post of the Week
What books do you add to your shelves this week?
I am like you. A changing schedule would make me unhappy. I would think it is especially challenging when you also have a full time job. Oh, Piper! You would think with all their walks your dogs wouldn’t have such issues.
I do remember the inconsistency of a part time schedule and I never liked that. I liked being able to plan things ahead of time and I always felt like I missed out on things because I was pretty much always working the weekends, even when they had hired new people and I had more seniority–that was actually the final straw and at the time I didn’t really “need” the job anymore so I quit and started looking for something else. I’m thinking this was just before my blog started and my TBR pile started growing, lol!
Nice new reads! Those are new to me ones but I hope you enjoy them all!
Here’s my StS
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂
What I struggle with when I worked in a pharmacy was getting the schedule last minute, like Tuesday night for the next week Wed-Tuesday. That’s one of the big reasons I quit. I have some Fleming books but haven’t read all of them yet. I loved The Aeronaut’s Windlass and am starting a reread tomorrow in prep for The Olympian Affair.
Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post
What a week indeed! And who knows maybe wa are in Matrix!
I’m with you on water over electricity and I’ve had a few storms go through winter and summer to reinforce that. I’m glad your water issue resolved that day. I’d find a roving schedule difficult, too. I’m not generally a zombie read fan, but some can get me into them.
Have a good week, Carole!
I’m big on structure too. 🙂 And oh no about the water! Isn’t that funny how you can be joking about something like post apocalyptic, and then… something happens? We had that this week too, we got stuck on the highway late at night for over an hour. No movement, no police. Couldn’t get through the median to the other side because it’s fenced through there. It was like an apocalypse where something happens and you’re alone on the highway lol. Although we and a bunch of cars eventually went the wrong way up an exit ramp and found the detour. They had redirected the traffic behind us but where we were- stuck. the poor semis were there for HOURS.
Anyway love the shelves!
Your week looked pretty good in spite of the waterless day. I hope the week ahead is a good one. Mine looks like it will be busy, busy, but sometimes that is a good thing.
It’s nice that you can listen to audio books while working your full-time job. That definitely helps to keep up! Bummer about your water. Glad it came back on fairly soon. Poor doggie! Probably scared about the vet since they don’t know you’re taking them for their own good. I have to have my husband help load my cat in the car too. He hates going in the car with a passion. To give him meds, omg! Such a nightmare. Even trying to apply the flea/tick stuff onto his neck is horrible. He has an absolute fit. Never had a cat that was so over the top difficult with that stuff, but I think his breed (Manx) is very close to being wild.
I want to read that Sarah Lyons Fleming series! It sounds really good! Hope you have a less eventful week, and get some rest, Carole!
Thatbis very matrix! Freaky
It must have been the week for vet trips. Apollo ended up with a lump Thursday night on his leg and in a panic, I was thrilled my vet had a cancellation for Friday morning. He believes it was a sting or a bite but Apollo hates the vet and I am sure it has to do with all the stuff with Cass in March.
I am sure you will get the hang of your new busy schedule soon. Will they be increasing your hours during the holiday season? Hope you have a great week.
I’m torn. There’s no way I could go without running water but I’d need electricity to get hot water. I pretty much don’t think I’d make it in a post-apocalyptical world. The new Jill Shalvis looks good. I’ve really been enjoying her books lately. Have a great week!
I escape into books when I am stressed too. I read a lot. lol
I hope your dog is alright.
Oh my goodness, what a week. I sure hope you had a relaxing weekend to make up for the stress of the week. I’ve been hearing good things about the new Alice Feeney book. I hope you enjoy it!
I agree. Running water is top of my list. I’ve been through some major hurricanes and it’s hard to stock up enough water when you don’t know how long until stores reopen and you can even get out to get there.