November 2023 Wrap Up

Posted December 4, 2023 by Carole in Monthly Wrap-Up / 17 Comments

November 2023

How is it already December?!  I feel like I spent most of November working.  Towards the beginning of the month, I was able to work the Iron Flame release party at my Barnes & Noble and had a lot of fun with it.  I took a few days off from both jobs to have 4 days with no work responsibilities which was nice.  I celebrated a milestone birthday and hosted a meal for a belated Thanksgiving.  

I am doing my best with Instagram.  I am posting less often than I would like but still having fun with it.  I am ending the month with 6,271 followers (I post this start for myself to track my growth).

I am linking this post to the Monthly Wrap-Up at Feed Your Fiction Addiction.

Books Read

Reading Stats
Books Read: 16
Audiobooks: 13
Digital Books: 3
Print Books: 0
Combination Print or Digital & Audio: 0
Re-Reads: 1
DNF: 0

Book Source for Books Read in November
NetGalley: 6
Edelweiss: 1
Direct from Publisher/Author/Narrator/Publicist: 8
Purchased/Freebie: 3
Kindle Unlimited/Audible Plus: 0
Borrowed/Library:  3
*Some books may fit into more than one category

Goodreads: 233/100

End of the Month NetGalley Stats
Feedback Ratio: 98% 
 878 Approved | 858 Feedback Sent

End of the Month Edelweiss Stats
39 books to review | 153 downloaded

Favorites of the Month

Up Next

How was your month? Do you have any reading or blogging goals for December?

17 responses to “November 2023 Wrap Up

  1. What a great month especially given how busy you’ve been. I really hope to get to the Holly Jolly series (well, I guess there are only 2) this month. However, December is usually a slower reading month for me because there is so much to do. Hope you are having a wonderful December so far.

    • I had a great time at the Iron Flame release party and they paid me to be there so it was a win-win situation.

  2. For all the things you are doing you are doing well. You seem to have tons of new Insta followers every month. I don’t do the pretty shots and I am not yet to 100. But the blog subscriptions, facebook and Twitter went that way too, very slowly and increased over the year. I also loved Iron Flame and The Mystery Guest.

    • I didn’t have a big gain this month. Just like anything else, you have to join groups and interact with others before you see any real growth but I enjoy the platform and have made a lot of friends there.

  3. Sixteen books is more than respectable considering how busy you’ve been and what a booklover memory to have worked that release party.

    Have a great December, Carole!

    • I thought so, Sophia Rose. I tackled some longer books this month so I am very happy with how the month played out.

  4. This year went fast, right? I have the new Molly the maid book on deck for next week. I am excited to return to that world. Hope it’s a hit for us both.

  5. You had a great month though wow was it busy! I’m blown away with how quickly the past few months have flown by. I’m not ready for it to be December! I hope you’re having a wonderful month.