Stacking the Shelves #23

Posted June 4, 2016 by Carole in Stacking the Shelves / 11 Comments

I am really excited to participate in Stacking the Shelves, a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews

I have been largely absent online this week.  I just can’t seem to focus on anything productive lately.  I haven’t even done a lot of reading or shopping for books which is unusual for me.  I have spent a lot of time playing with the puppies and the seven month old puppy, Molly, is quite the handful.  I have spent a little more time in the kitchen that I usually do and later today I am planning to decorate a Curious George cake for my twin niece and nephew’s 2nd birthday party.

I promise that I have not forgotten all of my blogger friends and I will get my mind back to blogging, reading, and visiting blogs soon!

Digital Books

War Brides by Helen Bryan (Amazon Freebie)
Follow You Home by Mark Edwards (Amazon Freebie)
Hold Your Breath by Katie Ruggle (Amazon Freebie)
Hot as Hell by Julie Ann Walker (Amazon Freebie)

I actually swore up and down that I didn’t get any new books this week but when I checked my Amazon account, I found out that I was wrong very quickly.  All of these books were freebies so I couldn’t resist.  I actually won a paperback copy of Hold Your Breath a couple of months ago but grabbed the digital copy anyway because you never know.

This one sound strange enough to either be great or horrible.  It is free at Audible (click here) until June 21, 2016 so I couldn’t resist.  Since it is only 2 hours long, I will probably squeeze it in when I am looking for a shorter book to listen to in between regular books.
What books do you add to your shelves this week? 
Let me know in the comments and be sure to leave a link to your own STS post!

11 responses to “Stacking the Shelves #23

  1. Yes those freebie books on Amazon are hard to resist! Good luck decorating the cakes – I am always so jealous at people who can do that. Mine alway looks like those Pinterest Fails memes I see 🙂 Have a great week!

  2. I need to clean out my Kindle so I can make room for new books. It's so easy to lose control! lol.

    Happy reading.

  3. The cake sounds so cute and playing with puppies is always a good thing. Enjoy your freebies!

  4. Yes, you've had a lot going on. No worries! Family and life take priority of course.
    Oh fun that you know how to decorate cakes. 🙂

    I'm bad about snagging freebies and forgetting about them. Hold Your Breath was a fun romantic suspense. I just read book two. Did you get the freebie prequel, too?

  5. I love me some freebie books. And it looks like you got some pretty good deals with those. A couple of those book covers look very… hot. 😉

    Hope you enjoy all of your new reads!

    Rachelle @ Shell's Stories

  6. Freebies are the bane of my existence, Carole! I have been very good lately with staying away from them – but mostly due to freebies, I have over 800 unread books on my kindle :O
    I want to see a picture of your Curious George cake! I hope the birthday party will be a lot of fun.
    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  7. what a great loot you have here Carole!! I just the Hold Your Breath and pretty excited to try out this author. I do want to try out Julie Anne Walker soon though. I hear she is fantastic to read.

  8. Ooo, puppies! They will keep you busy for sure. You got some great new books! I am interested in the Ruggle and Walker ones. I hope you enjoy all of your new additions, Carole!

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Have a wonderful week. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  9. I grabbed Hold Your Breath also, since I liked the prequel novella. I'll have to read it soon since the next book is about to release. Hope you enjoy these!