Stacking the Shelves #48

Posted December 17, 2016 by Carole in Stacking the Shelves / 12 Comments

I am really excited to participate in Stacking the Shelves, a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews
What a week!  I want to apologize for my absence this week.  I went to the eye doctor on Tuesday and ended up being prescribed bifocals.  I wear contact so that means that one eye is now corrected for distance while the other is for close up work.  It has been quite an adjustment and I just couldn’t press myself on doing anything more online than completely necessary.  I am starting to feel better about the change at this point so hopefully I can make my round very soon. 

Christmas is almost here!  We are actually spending today celebrating with my husband’s family and I get to see my sister and her family that lives out of town tomorrow.  I am really looking forward to catching up with everyone.

Digital Books
The Turn by Kim Harrison (NetGalley)
I cannot wait to read this book!  It sounds amazing.  I haven’t read all of the books in The Hollows series but I have read enough that I am very curious about what happened during the turn. 

Born a Crime by Trevor Noah (Audible)
I actually was able to get this one for free on Audible.  Audible is giving this book away for free to US members of Goodreads.  Click here to get your copy!

Print Books
The Sun is Also A Star by Nicola Yoon (Book of the Month)
I am intrigued by all of the book boxes that I see around the blogosphere but I had a hard time trying to justify buying any of them.  I saw a Groupon to try the Book of the Month club for 3 months for only $19.99 so I decided to try it.  I like that you have the choice of 1 out of 5 books every month with the option to add 2 more for an additional fee or even skip a month.   
Click here to check out Book of the Month.
How to Tame a Beast in Seven Days by Kerrelyn Sparks (From Publisher)
I was so excited to get this book!  I can only remember one other time that a book just showed up at my house.  Sometimes I am surprised to get a book but when I think about it I can usually remember entering a contest or something similar.  This is only the second time that a publisher has sent me a book completely unsolicited.  It made my day and it is a book that I am pretty sure I will enjoy so it was a big win for me.

What books do you add to your shelves this week? 
Let me know in the comments and be sure to leave a link to your own STS post!

12 responses to “Stacking the Shelves #48

  1. Good to hear that you're feeling better! And oh squee! The Turn! I managed to get that one too! I love Kim's books and am soooo excited about this prequel novel!! Hope we both enjoy it!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Glad to hear that your eye is getting better. I hope you love all of your new books. I got Born A Crime from Random House Open House. Great stack this week.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  3. I debated on getting The Sun is Also a Star from Book of the Month too. I didn't end up getting it because I have piles and piles of books to read and I didn't want one more hanging around, guilting me with it's pretty cover.

    You got some good books this week! Enjoy!

    Here's my STS

  4. Glad your eye situation seems to be getting better. I was lucky enough to get a copy of The Turn too. I'm really excited about it. Have fun celebrating.

  5. I've seen some good looking monthly book boxes but I just don't have the money to justify getting them. I'll need to stick to my Kindle bargain hunts! I stopped reading The Hollows halfway through book three because I hated Nick and the Ivy-Rachel bitearama drama…looks like that all continues past book 4 so I've given up any ideas of giving the series another try. Pity, as I liked the humour of the first two books! Hope you enjoy The Turn!