A Quick Update

Posted July 17, 2019 by Carole in Random Thoughts / 19 Comments

You may have noticed that I haven’t been around for the past few days.  I do apologize for my absence and plan to be back with regular posts on Thursday at the latest.  
A close relative of mine is currently in the Intensive Care Unit at the hospital so I have spent some time there.  Things look pretty serious but I am hopeful.  
In other news, we adopted a puppy!  We probably didn’t need a puppy but once I picked her up and cuddled her for a moment it was all over.  We haven’t been able to bring her home yet but plan to Wednesday evening.  We are so excited that we can’t hardly stand ourselves right now.  Hopefully, my other two dogs, Stella and Molly, will approve of the addition.  We are not 100% on the name yet but I think we will end up going with Piper.  Isn’t she a cutie?

19 responses to “A Quick Update

  1. Isn't she gorgeous! I'd want to keep her after a cuddle too! You do realise we will need lots of puppy updates, right?! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you get better news about your relative in hospital.

  2. She is adorable. I have enough with one smaller dog ( who has been getting me up at 4:30 or 5:30 in the morning this week!) That wouldn't be bad but I'm usually up until 12 or 1 and then when I can't fall back asleep I'm like a zombie all day. Enjoy!

    Anne – Books of My Heart

  3. I'm so sorry to hear about your family member. Best wishes. And sometimes you just need puppy snuggles and you've definitely been having a time of it lately!

  4. OMG! Puppy cuteness overload. How could you resist that face? We're not ready to bring a puppy in yet but I have to admit, I'm getting puppy fever!