2020 Goals

Posted December 31, 2019 by Carole in Random Thoughts / 18 Comments

Happy New Years Eve!
It is so hard to believe that today is the last day of 2019.  I have spent the past few weeks thinking about my goals for the next year.
The Blog
I am actually pretty happy with the blog overall.  I am honored that the weekly Books from the Backlog meme is still going strong with other bloggers joining in every week.  I do struggle to keep up with returning blog visits at times but I think that most bloggers go through that.  I plan to continue to only sign up for blog tours when it is for a book that I am really excited to read.  Basically, you can probably expect more of the same 🙂
Books and Reading
Every year I set a goal of catching up on past due ARCs and every year I seem to get a few read but leave a lot on the table.  I really do want to get current with books that I have for review.  I also have a really strong desire to read my own books.

I have set a few goals to help me make this happen.

  1. Increase my NetGalley ratio by at least 6% by the end of the year – I am currently at 86% so that would put me at 92% or higher by the end of 2020.  
  2. Stay current with 2020 ARCs and catch up with 2019 ARCs – I have ARCs dating back to 2013 but I want to try to focus on the more recent ones in 2020.
  3. Catch up with all past due and current ARCs on Edelweiss – I only have 15 books to read on Edelweiss so this goal should be very doable.
  4. Read at least one book that I received from Bookish First every month – I only have 14 books to read from Bookish First so I think I can accomplish this goal.
  5. Be selective with the ARCs that I accept – This is really the key to the plan.  I read a lot so I can catch up if I can just quit adding books to the pile for a bit.  
  6. Make time to read books from my own shelves!
2020 Challenges
Goodreads Challenge
Once again, I plan to set my Goodreads challenge at 100 books.  I will probably hit that mark sometime in the summer but I like going with the low-stress approach with this challenge.  It is just fun to see where I end up at the end of the year.  
2020 Audiobook Challenge
I hope to achieve the Marathoner level for this challenge which is 50+ audiobooks.
This challenge is hosted by Hot Listens & Caffeinated Reviewer.
You can sign up on either blog using the links above.
2020 New Release Challenge

I am going to try for the New Release Veteran level on this challenge which is 61-100 books.
This challenge is hosted by Lexxie and Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms.
You can sign up here.

2020 Library Love Challenge

I am going to try for the Thrifty Reader level which is 24 books.
This challenge is hosted by Angel’s Guilty Pleasures and Books of My Heart.
You can sign up on either blog using the above links.

Books I can’t wait to read in 2020!

What are some of your blogging or reading goals for 2020?

18 responses to “2020 Goals

  1. Your book related goals are ones I constantly try to attain. I am actually at 92% on NG (whoo hoo!), but I have some really old ARCs, that I do not believe I will ever read. I know I shoved them aside, because I saw so many poor reviews. Same with EW. I might try some of them on audio, if they have them at the library. Books from the Backlog has become my way to read a shelf book weekly. So, yeah for that meme.

  2. I'm going for a lower total on my Goodreads Challenge too as this year ended up too stressful getting to the 200! I can always adjust my total when I get close to my goal!

  3. Good luck with your goals. I will be taking part in the new release, audio book and netgalley and edelweiss challenges. I have arcs from 2014 I need to tackle my own books as well. I am setting my good reads goal to 100. My netgalley ratio is dismally low to mention, but I am working on increasing it.

  4. Great goals for the new year, Carole! My Netgalley rating is hovering around 89-90% so I really need to read/review those final few books and bump it up even higher. I’ve reviewed everything I have on Edelweiss so that’s something. 🙂 I’ve practically stopped requesting arcs (with *very* few exceptions) so I know that’s one less thing to keep up with in 2020.

  5. Yep, your goals sound a lot like mine about getting on top of the ARC pile, not taking so many review books, and getting to some off my own shelf.

    Lovely group of books you've picked to highlight in the new year. I want to read most of those, too.

    Happy New Year, Carole!

  6. I love your Books Form the Backlog feature and look forward to participating in it in the new year. I wish you the best with your goals in 2020 and in your challenges!

  7. I am also very excited for the Hunger Games prequel and will look forward to reading it. I hope you will be able to achieve all of these goals. One we share is reading more books from our own shelves and you can do it 😀

  8. Excellent goals. You sound like me except I am not going to do as many challenges this year. I don't have any trouble hitting the numbers and the tracking just takes time. I just set my goals, and I'm hosting a challenge and I'll always do COYER which is great. I love your 2020 books you want. They are almost all on my list too.

    When I read the goal of Be selective about the ARCs I accept, I thought it next said, this is the key to the pain. lol It's a pain to not accept some ARCs when I want them all but really I have to be realistic if I want to read stuff I own and stuff in KU or AE when I have deals.

    Good luck!

    Anne – Books of My Heart

  9. Good luck! Thats a good goal to set adding 6% to your NetGalley ratio each year! I should try that. ?✨

    I'm going to try and do a Down the TBR Hole post once a month that I can link up to Books from the Backlog. I am hoping to get one drafted this month. ???