Stacking the Shelves #221

Posted May 24, 2020 by Carole in Stacking the Shelves / 24 Comments

I am really excited to participate in Stacking the Shelves, a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality.

My Life
Why does it seem like the week leading up to a vacation is longer than a normal week?  Things were much busier at the office this week which is a good sign for the company.  I am officially on vacation for the next week and couldn’t be happier.  I really don’t have any exciting plans but I will be happy just to stay home and curl up with a book, do a puzzle with my daughter, play with the dogs, and maybe watch a little television.

How was your week?

What I’m Reading
I feel like I had a pretty good reading week.  I was able to finish three books that have been lingering on my NetGalley shelves for years.  I adored Undone and am a little mad at myself for waiting so long to fit it in.  Bright Blaze of Magic was just as good as I hoped it would be.  Bait was rather dark and really different than any other vampire story I have read.

I am a little more than halfway through the audiobook for Exposed and am enjoying it quite a bit.  I am also at the midpoint of The Prisoner’s Wife as I write this post but hope to read more before this post goes live and am finding that I am drawn to this story.  I have only read the first chapter of Dragon Unleashed but can’t wait to really get into the book.

Books Added 

Sucker Punch by Laurell K. Hamilton (NetGalley)

What books do you add to your shelves this week? 
Let me know in the comments and be sure to leave a link to your own STS post!

24 responses to “Stacking the Shelves #221

  1. I hope you have a wonderful staycation! I am hoarding my days since my state is still locked down, I am working from home, and there's nothing to do anyhow. I had so many of those kick-myself moments, when I finally picked up a past due ARC, just to find a total gem sitting there, collecting figurative dust. It's great you are getting to those books, and I am happy to hear you are finding some winners there.

  2. I'm already looking to taking another day off soonish myself. Not a vacation so much, but just a break. But I feel like I can't ever take a break where my mom's dogs are concerned. I've been taking care of them ever since her first surgery at the end of February, she finally got to have her second procedure but now has to heal from that. What should've just been a month of taking care of them full time turned into three months. I'm exhausted to put it mildly. Lol.

    Nice new read! I never did get into Hamilton's books despite her being a local author. I hope you enjoy her latest!

    Here's my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  3. Glad things are picking up at the office. And hooray for a week of vacation! Oh, that sounds heavenly. 🙂 I thought Undone was really cute. It's been several years since I read it but seeing you mention it makes me want to continue the series.

  4. I feel like the lead up to a vacation always drags! Must be the anticipation. And hope you have a great vacation with lots of good reading and whatnot!

    Sucker Punch looks interesting!

  5. Well I am sure it's been hard to be back in the office full-time after having a more unusual schedule. It will be great to have a staycation where you don't have to worry about work. Enjoy and take care of yourself!

    Anne – Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

  6. LOL, that week has historically felt long to me, too, especially when I had all my ducks in a row for my vacation and was just waiting for that last hour to finish. 🙂
    Glad all your reading and listening has been good for you. I can't wait to pick up the Grace Draven book.

    Have a great vacation week, Carole!

  7. Yes definitely and the week after vacation contains more laundry then you've ever done! It's a rule. Hope you have a great week!

  8. I hope you have a nice vacation! You definitely deserve a break. Sounds like you have been reading some great books recently. I hope you are enjoying your current reads as well. Have a great week, Carole.

  9. I'm officially on vacation the rest of this week, too! Yay for both of us. I hope to get a lot of reading done, but you know how that goes, lol. I'm curious about the Jennifer Estep series after reading your post last week. Have a lovely Memorial Day!

  10. Enjoy your vacation and that sounds like perfect vacation plans to me. Bait looks really interesting and I love the cover to Sucker Punch but I'm drastically behind on that series and have no intentions of ever catching up!

  11. I hope you enjoy your vacation!!! I need to take one myself. I've got Dragon Unleashed on audio, I can't wait to get into it!

  12. You had good holiday plans so I hope you got to do a bit of reading and relaxing. Hope you are enjoying those books your are reading.

  13. I can definitely relate to the lead up before a holiday always seeming to take for absolutely ever! But I hope you will enjoy your restful week off. Not every holiday needs big plans. And it sounds like you're enjoying a lot of your current reads.