Stacking the Shelves #258

Posted April 25, 2021 by Carole in Stacking the Shelves / 24 Comments

I am really excited to participate in Stacking the Shelves, a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality.

My Life

The big news this week is the blog. I woke up last Sunday and just decided that I wanted to move to a self-hosted WordPress blog. So I just did it. I spent almost all day on Sunday poking around and figuring out how things work. Or trying to. I posted a review on my old blog on Monday but later that day all of my posts were moved to the new blog and the old blog was redirected to the new one on Tuesday. I started posting on the new blog on Wednesday and there have only been a few hiccups. I spent about 2 hours before I was able to get the link up to work for Thursday’s post but I got there eventually. I still haven’t been able to claim the new blog on Bloglovin’ but hopefully I’ll get that figured out soon.

In other news, we had snow on Tuesday. Snow. In April. I don’t even understand this weather.

Yesterday, I went to two local bookstores for Independent Bookstore Day. I had such a good time picking out books and chatting about books with other book lovers. I have been trying really hard to make sure that I am supporting these bookstores just as much as I can lately. They need my business so much more than Amazon does. We finished the day with some shopping for decorative items for the house and a nice lunch out. All in all, it was a great day.

What I’m Reading

I only finished one book this week but that really isn’t much of a surprise when you consider how much time I spent working on the new blog. I finished listening to Max Abaddon and the Purity Law by Justin S. Leslie and did enjoy it quite a bit.

I did start reading The Most Beautiful Girl in Cuba by Chanel Cleeton and am really enjoying it. I probably would have finished it already if I had had any time to actually sit down and read. I am listening to Darkroom by Kate Willoughby and am loving it so far.

Books Added

  • We Begin at the End by Chris Whitaker
  • Finlay Donovan is Killing It by Elle Cosimano
  • Win by Harlan Coben (ARC)
  • Feral Creatures by Kira Jane Buxton (ARC)
  • Better Than the Movies by Lynn Painter (ARC)
  • My Heart is a Chainsaw by Stephen Graham Jones (ARC)
  • The Maidens by Alex Michaelides (ARC)
  • A Vow so Bold and Deadly by Brigid Kemmerer

Favorite Instagram Post of the Week

24 responses to “Stacking the Shelves #258

  1. Congratulations on the migration. I am going to do it when the kid comes to visit next month (she’s savvy about these things). I spy Better Than the Movies in your stack. That book left me so happy. Hope it has the same effect on you. I would cry if it snowed now. I hate snow.

    • I am excited that you have made the decision to make the change too, Sam! I grabbed Better Than the Movies because I remembered how much you enjoyed it. I am looking forward to it.

  2. I’m impressed with your move to WP! I just know I’m not tech savvy enough for it. Bloglovin – despite its issues – is just so user-friendly and does all the hard work for me. I wish I had more indie bookstores here!

    • I don’t think that I am tech savvy at all! Actually, I think that WordPress may be easier, especially with the Book Blogger Plugin. Of course, there is a learning curve but I see a future of looking at a lot less code than I was with Blogger.

  3. OOh nice new site! I’m not tech savvy enough for WordPress, that’s why I chose Blogger all those years ago. Though they persist in making things complicated and worse over the years, I can’t see myself being able to move it over to WP. I’m still in love with the design I won all those years ago, hence why that’s never changed. Plus, I’ve no idea how to change things like that anymore! Lol. I used to use the free templates Blogger had going, but I’d have to google how to do that again! Lol.

    Awesome haul this week! Hope you enjoy all the lovely new reads!

    Here’s my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

    • I didn’t do any research when I started a blog. I kind of did it on a whim and I quickly decided that I would have been better off with WordPress. I think that I will be spending less time setting up posts than I did before which is my main reason for the move.

  4. I think you did a great job with the change. I hope you like it. Wow all those pretties from the bookstore. You know about the Libro deal to get a free audiobook if you spent $15 at an indie store? I posted about it on my Twitter and Facebook pages. I don’t know the stores here since I moved to NC about the time I went almost all digital.

    • Yep, I do know about the Libro fm deal and plan to scan a copy of my receipt to send it today while I am at work. I am not sure which audiobook I will pick though!

  5. I hear you gal, 3 freaking days of snowing. arghhhh, I had to shovel so much since it is April and they do not come anymore with the tractor

    • Snow in April is just now right! The ground was warm so we didn’t have to worry about shoveling so I guess I had that going for me. I think that a couple of plants died that I left outside though. Oops.

    • Thanks, Kimberly! I appreciate it. The weather is just all over the place. I don’t think that I want to see 90s for a little while longer. Where can I find some nice 70s temps?!

  6. Congrats on your move to a self-hosted blog. I would only attempt it with someone helping out. And then I would always worry that self-hosted means you’re out there on a branch all alone, and what if the branch breaks? LOL.

    Good luck, and enjoy your books. Here are my WEEKLY UPDATES

    • I did have help! The company that I went with for hosting focuses on book bloggers and authors and she has been very quick to answer questions. I am probably less alone than I was before but now I am paying a monthly fee.

  7. Wow, congrats on getting your blog moved! I’ve thought about doing that for years, but I’d have to hire someone. My blog has a lot of complicated issues. Your new site looks great!

    • Oh, I can’t take credit for all of the work that went into getting the blog moved. I went with Nose Graze and Ashley did all of the work of bringing all of my posts over and redirecting my old blog. She has also been very helpful with questions. So I guess I did hire someone to do it for me 🙂

  8. Congrats on the blog move! I’m kind of terrified of moving and dealing with it all but I love the idea of it! Gorgeous new books! The Devil in Disguise is really calling me. I need to start reading more historical romance. I’ve severely neglected that genre and I miss it!

    • I don’t read as much historical romance as I did in the past but Lisa Kleypas is a favorite so I couldn’t resist this one.

  9. That’s a lot of work to transfer over, but good on you for getting it done and up with barely a hiccup. It looks and works great from my end. Fun that you went Indie book shopping and had a lovely lunch. I get out to our closest indie shop about once a month. I was busy in my garden and helping with a few DIY projects so this was a sparse reading week for me, too.

    Have a good week, Carole!

    • It feels good to get some things done around the house doesn’t it?

      This post is actually a couple of weeks old. I have no idea why an email went out this morning.