Review – A Perfect Blood

Posted June 27, 2022 by Carole in Reviews / 10 Comments

Review – A Perfect BloodA Perfect Blood by Kim Harrison
Narrator: Marguerite Gavin
Series: The Hollows #10
Published by HarperAudio on February 21, 2012
Genres: Fiction / Fantasy / Urban
Length: 16 hours 48 minutes
Format: Audiobook
Source: Library
Amazon | Audible | B&N | Kobo |

“I wouldn’t miss a Kim Harrison book for anything.”
—Charlaine Harris

There’s nothing more darkly satisfying than time spent in the Hollows—New York Times bestseller Kim Harrison’s alternate urban fantasy Cincinnati where vampires, pixies, and werewolves roam free. Harrison takes us back in A Perfect Blood, as former bounty hunter witch-turned-reluctant daywalking demon Rachel Morgan investigates a series of ritual murders, only to discover to her horror that whomever—or whatever—is responsible is actually seeking her blood.  Rachel’s sexy, supernatural adventures have consistently landed atop bestseller lists from coast-to-coast, and A Perfect Blood is no exception—another supremely satisfying excursion to a deliciously eerie fantasy realm that’s certain to delight Kim Harrison’s voracious army of fans…not to mention Laurell K. Hamilton, Charlaine Harris, Jim Butcher, Kelley Armstrong, Patricia Briggs, and Stephanie Meyers aficionados, and any reader who craves a walk on the wild, dark side.

This was another great installment in a series that is quickly becoming a favorite. Rachel can’t seem to catch a break. She can’t get her car registered with her new demon status and she is being asked to help figure out who is behind a string of ritualistic murders. To keep Al from pulling her into the ever after, she is wearing a cuff that has essentially cut her off from her powers which isn’t going to make the job any easier.

After the events in the last book, Rachel’s father has sent a bodyguard to help keep her safe but she isn’t always cooperative with the endeavor. The group that is committing the murders needs some of Rachel’s blood so she is in more danger once again. There is a master vampire attached to the case that isn’t making things easier for anybody. It was great seeing everyone work together to solve the case. All of the key characters play some kind of role in this story, even Al makes an appearance before the book draws to a close.

Marguerite Gavin does such a great job with this series. I love the voices that she uses for all of the characters and how she is able to bring this whole world to life. Her voice really is perfect for the series and I have had no trouble listening to her narration for hours at a time. I can definitely say that her narration added a lot to my overall enjoyment of this story.

I would recommend this series to others. I would recommend reading this series in order since each book picks up shortly after the events in the previous installment. This was another exciting story and I cannot wait to see what Rachel must face next in this series.

10 responses to “Review – A Perfect Blood

  1. Carole great review, this was a series I wanted to try back then but never got around to it. I may give it a another look see. Thanks

  2. Ooh this sounds fun! An alt world Cincinnati with vamps and pixies… and the author is a Michigander too. I should try her books…

    Cool cover too.

  3. I love the sound of this one, but it sounds like I should probably start with the first one, huh?

  4. I really need to try this author but have no clue where to start as I have been wanting to try more UF but I need my romance haha it sounds like if I try this series that I need to do it in audio though!

    Lovely review! And I adore the cover.

  5. It is always a treat when a series is able to maintain the quality that drew you to it in the first place!

  6. I think Kim Harrison and Illona Andrews are the two authors that I’ve wanted to read the longest. All of their books sound good and this one sounds really great! I’ve listened to Mauguerite Gavin’s narration before and she’s a favorite so that’s another point in this book’s favor!