Books from the Backlog #311

Posted March 28, 2024 by Carole in Books from the Backlog / 3 Comments

Books from the Backlog is a fun way to feature some of those neglected books sitting on your bookshelf unread.  If you are anything like me, you might be surprised by some of the unread books hiding in your stacks.

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This week’s neglected book

Books from the Backlog #311Better Homes and Hauntings by Molly Harper
Narrator: Amanda Ronconi
Published by Audible Studios, Pocket Books on June 24, 2014
Genres: Fiction / Fantasy / Urban
Length: 8 hours 52 minutes
Pages: 352
Source: Purchased
Amazon | Audible | B&N | Kobo

Author of the beloved Half Moon Hollow series of vampire romances (Nice Girls Don’t Have Fangs), Molly Harper has created a standalone paranormal romance in which a dilapidated haunted house could bring star-crossed lovers together—if it doesn’t kill them first!

When Nina Linden is hired to landscape a private island off the New England coast, she sees it as her chance to rebuild her failing business after being cheated by her unscrupulous ex. She never expects that her new client, software mogul Deacon Whitney, would see more in her than just a talented gardener. Deacon has paid top dollar to the crews he’s hired to renovate the desolate Whitney estate—he had to, because the bumps, thumps, and unexplained sightings of ghostly figures in nineteenth-century dress are driving workers away faster than he can say “Boo.”

But Nina shows no signs of being scared away, even as she experiences some unnerving apparitions herself. And as the two of them work closely together to restore the mansion’s faded glory, Deacon realizes that he’s found someone who doesn’t seem to like his fortune more than himself—while Nina may have finally found the one man she can trust with her bruised and battered heart.

But something on the island doesn’t believe in true love…and if Nina and Deacon can’t figure out how to put these angry spirits to rest, their own love doesn’t stand a ghost of a chance.

Why did I add Better Homes and Hauntings to my bookshelf?

While scrolling through my audiobook library, I was shocked to find this book. I have no memory of buying this book but I have had luck with other books by this author/narrator combination so I think it was probably a good purchase. I am trying to work more of my purchased books into my reading schedule and this one sounds like fun so I might tackle it soon, now that I know that I own it.

What are your thoughts? Have you read this book?  Would you recommend it?

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3 responses to “Books from the Backlog #311

  1. I have this one on my TBR pile too! I had heard good things about the author and this one just sounded like fun so I bought the paperback at whatever point that was! I’m currently going through my Want to Read list on Goodreads for my picks so I haven’t gotten up to that one yet! I’m in 2015 purchases at the moment! Lol.