Weekly Wrap Up #334

Posted October 30, 2022 by Carole in Stacking the Shelves / 13 Comments

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I am really excited to participate in The Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Reading Reality.

My Life

This felt like a pretty typical week where nothing too far out of the ordinary really happened. We went to work, walked the dogs, and completed another puzzle. I did have some arthritis pain that kept me away from the computer for a couple of evenings. I had a fairly severe hand injury as a child and it is actually a bit of a miracle that I am able to type at all. There are days that I just can’t type anymore after an 8-hour work day spent behind a computer. Unfortunately, as I get older, it seems like these days seem to happen with increasing frequency. I think that this week helped me see how helpful it would be if I had a couple of blog posts ready to go for those days that I don’t feel up to writing a review.

How was your week?

What I’m Reading

I finished 4 books this week. This was a week for audiobooks for me. I started the week out with Sweet Tea and Spirits by Angie Fox and it was the light, fun listen that I needed. I decided to listen to A Hard Day for a Hangover by Darynda Jones as soon as I was approved for it and it was just as much fun as I had hoped it would be. I then moved on to The Golden Enclaves by Naomi Novik and I thought that it was a great way to wrap up the trilogy. At the end of the week, I finally had some time to sit down and curl up with Dead Man’s Hand by James J. Butcher and was quite impressed by this debut author’s style of storytelling.

I am almost done with Five Survive by Holly Jackson and I am eager to see how things will work out.

Books Added

A Hard Day for a Hangover by Darynda Jones (Publisher); A Sinister Revenge by Deanna Raybourn (Publisher); Beyond That, the Sea by Laura Spence-Ash (Publisher);

Favorite Instagram Post of the Week

What books do you add to your shelves this week? 

13 responses to “Weekly Wrap Up #334

  1. Your puzzle came out great! I stopped knitting and crocheting because of my arthritis. It definitely helped to do less of that. I got rid of my mouse many years ago too. I found squeezing a stress ball helps a bit.

  2. Sorry to hear about your wrist! I myself do like blogging ahead. I work on all the weekly memes ahead of time so I’m usually a month ahead except for my Tuesday post which I do the weekend before. Usually because of my teaser portion! Lol. Ooh that puzzle is cool! I saw it at B&N and debated about it. I need extra space to do puzzles as our kitchen table just isn’t big enough to hold a puzzle and all its pieces AND allow us to eat at it! I need to get us one of those mat things that you can put it all on and roll up when you need the space! Lol.

    Nice new reads! I still need to read Darynda’s book from last year! I somehow let myself fall behind and I still need to read her last set of novellas from the Charley Davidson world too. Those are on the kindle, hence the forgetting about them! Lol.

    Happy Reading!

    Here’s my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  3. Yeah I can see that. All day on a computer can really put blogging behind. I do get a 30 minute break and 2 15 minute breaks, so I try to do as much blog stuff then or if its a slower day I sometimes can fit blog stuff in my work day, so that I don’t have to do too much blog stuff after 8 hours of looking at a monitor screen.

    I am happy that you enjoyed Dead Man’s Hand, it sounds like that one was such a solid one for you. Love seeing debut books like that work so well. Kinda like how Christine Feehan’s son debut went really well.

    Hope you have a great week!

  4. I have also enjoyed Dead Man’s Hand and loved The Golden Enclaves. I have a Hard Day for a Hangover. I just read A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder and want to read the other books before Five Survive but I hope to get to it soonish. Happy Hallowenn!

  5. Older bodies sure do feel it all. Nice that you had a quiet week and got in another puzzle with your fun audio listens. I’ve been listening to Pecan Pies and Dead Guys from the same Angie Fox series. I’ve got Hard Day for a Hangover and A Sinister Revenge, too.

    Have a good week, Carole!

  6. I’m sorry to hear about your hand pain. Yes, old injuries are where arthritis likes to set up shop. I have some in my hip that’s from my job and old knee injuries from dirt bike riding. Having posts ready for times when you can’t type is a great idea. Hope your hand feels better!

    I want to try the new Darynda Jones series. She has great humor.

  7. I love the puzzle! I have some arthritis in my ankle due to an injury years ago and that’s annoying enough! I can’t imagine how frustrating it must be with your hands. I haven’t seen the new Deanna Raybourn yet! I’m looking forward to picking that one up. I hope you’re having a great week!

  8. I get not wanting to/being able to type after a day of work. I have mild carpal tunnel (nothing like your hand injury) and it sometimes means typing in the evenings in a no-go. Love that Beauty and the Beast puzzle! So pretty.