Weekly Wrap Up #353

Posted March 12, 2023 by Carole in Stacking the Shelves / 13 Comments

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I am really excited to participate in The Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Reading Reality.

My Life

This was an interesting week. I spent most of my workweek alone in the office. I haven’t seen a co-worker since Tuesday. I wish that I didn’t have to go into the office at all but if I have to be there, I kind of like being there alone. I also had some quiet time at home. We finished a puzzle last weekend and another one Friday night. We are up to 14 for the year.

The surgery date for (my dog) Stella’s first ACL surgery is fast approaching and I am a bit apprehensive about it. I came close to canceling it since I feel like we have learned to live with her limited abilities and she doesn’t seem to be in too much pain. Plus it is really expensive. I had one of my other dogs, Molly, at the vet for a routine check-up and had a long talk with our vet and have decided to proceed with the surgery. It is a pretty major surgery since they will be cutting her bone, moving it, and putting things back together with metal plates.

I ended the week with some audiobook problems. I couldn’t get the audiobook I was trying to listen to on Hoopla to work correctly so I tried to listen to one in my Audible account and had the same problem. I tried another app where they are stored on my SD card and apparently my SD card is corrupted and had to be reformatted. Interestingly enough, when I tried an audiobook in the NetGalley app, it worked fine. I am not sure what is going on but hopefully, I can get things working correctly soon!

How was your week?

What I’m Reading

I finished 8 books this week. I actually listened to Flirting With Love by Melissa Foster last Saturday and it should have gone on last week’s post but that didn’t happen so here it is. I listened to the book straight through while working on a puzzle and I thought it was a sweet romance. I then moved on to The Mostly True Story of Tanner & Louise by Colleen Oakley and loved it (and finally got that puzzle finished!). None of the books that I had planned to read looked good to me Monday morning so I grabbed Married with Zombies by Jesse Petersen instead and enjoyed it enough to jump right into Flip This Zombie. The Foxglove King by Hannah Whitten was a really well-done fantasy. I really liked Something Wild & Wonderful by Anita Kelly. I found I Will Find You by Harlan Coben next to impossible to put down once I started reading it. I listened to The Plus One by Mazey Eddings while working on another puzzle and loved the characters.

I have only read just a few pages of All That Is Mine I Carry with Me by William Landay and haven’t really formed an opinion just yet. I thought that I might as well finish the zombie series that I started so I grabbed Eat Slay Love by Jesse Petersen from Hoopla. I’ve listened to about a third of the book and am enjoying the story even though my phone is still not playing the audio correctly.

Books Added

A House with Good Bones by T. Kingfisher (Publisher); Made of Stars by Jenna Voris (Publisher/Bookish First); The Instructor by T.R. Hendricks (Publisher)

Favorite Instagram Post of the Week

What books do you add to your shelves this week? 

13 responses to “Weekly Wrap Up #353

  1. I hope things go well with the doggo’s surgery! That’s always a hard decision to make, I know my mom had to make some serious decisions like that over the years with our one dog. One of his surgeries would’ve cost I think around 10K, so we basically had to try to just keep him comfortable and we did for many years. He was a very hyper and active dog in his youth. Sorry to hear about your audiobook accounts! That’s weird. Also kind of one of the reasons why I still prefer my old school books as they can’t have technical difficulties. Hope you can get things figured out!

    Nice new reads! New to me ones but I hope you enjoy each and every one of them!

    Here’s my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  2. Great week of reading there. That is crazy about the hoopla issues lol I have really loved the Jennifer Estep covers. Melissa Foster writes some sweet romances.

  3. I would have some beef, if I had to be in the office while my co-workers didn’t. (I did in fact have this beef when I had to return in 2021 and other were home until June 2022, but I digress). That puzzle is amazing. Looks challenging too. I hope all goes well with the pup.

  4. Big decision about the surgery, for sure.

    Wow, great job on the puzzle and the stack of books this week. What a bummer about the trouble with the audio on your devices.

    Have a good week, Carole!

  5. I really hate computer or phone issues. My phone froze yesterday and I couldn’t turn it off or choose anything. I finally got it working. But I listen to audios and read books all on my phone as well as a bunch of other tasks. It was only frozen about 5-10 minutes. and I was horrified.

    I hope things go well for Stella.

    Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  6. I hope your dog’s surgery goes well! My cat is like a member of our family so I’d be nervous if he was up for surgery, too. Hope you get your audiobook issues fixed. I’ve always liked that picture (puzzle). Enjoy the rest of your Sunday, Carole!

  7. Good luck for your dog’s surgery. That’s always stressful. How big are the puzzles you usually do? I’ve done a few 1000 piece ones, they’re all mounted and I’ve put them up in my laundry. I can’t bear to break them down again after all that work. And I have two waiting for me. Have a great week.

  8. Fingers crossed for Stella’s surgery! I know a few people who have had dogs who had ACL surgery and the dog has usually done really well. The biggest complaint I’ve heard is that it’s difficult to keep the dog quiet for as long as they need to recover. I do know someone who pulled their dog from agility after surgery but that was the primary downside. I love the puzzle and you’re reminding me how much I love puzzles. I need to do one soon. I have a ton that I’ve never done. Have a great week!