Weekly Wrap Up #385

Posted November 5, 2023 by Carole in Stacking the Shelves / 20 Comments

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I am really excited to participate in The Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Reading Reality.

My Life

This was a somewhat normal week. I didn’t do a very good job of keeping up with visiting blogs or writing a lot of reviews. I spend 8 hours a day staring at a screen at my full-time job and I can spend half of my shifts at the bookstore staring at a screen so I sometimes just need a break from computers. This was one of those weeks. I spent some time working on a puzzle instead of looking at my phone or computer which seemed like the right choice.

Computer time has been especially frustrating at my full-time job since this was the week that we made the switch to the new accounting software. I am not a fan. It is going to be a whole lot of extra work for the next few months and I am already frustrated with it. Oh well.

How was your week?

What I’m Reading

I only finished 3 books this week. I started the week listening to Stars in Your Eyes by Kacen Callendar which I liked. I Loved You in Another Life by David Arnold was good but didn’t wow me. I then decided that I needed to get ready for Iron Flame‘s release by re-reading Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros.

I have read about 2/3 of To Kill a Shadow by Katherine Quinn and can’t wait to get a few minutes to sit down and finish the book. I have listened to about 1/4 of The Graham Effect by Elle Kennedy and am enjoying it.

Books Added

Clear by Carys Davies (Publisher); What Happened to Nina? by Dervla McTiernan (Publisher); Expiration Dates by Rebecca Serle (Publisher)

The Future by Naomi Alderman (Publisher); Gothikana by RuNyx (Publisher); Bad Girls Break Bridges by S.L. Choi (Author);

Remedial Magic by Melissa Marr (Publisher); The Bookbinder’s Guide to Love by Katherine Garbera (Publisher)

Favorite Instagram Post of the Week

What books do you add to your shelves this week? 

20 responses to “Weekly Wrap Up #385

  1. Yeah, trying to relearn new software for work is never fun! We made an “update” to ours earlier this year. And Even though there were only a few changes. it was still a bit of a process to get used to it. Then they started making other internal changes to how we do things that added a few extra steps. Just hoping the changes can take a break for awhile. Our busy season is finally slowing down a bit, so that’s a plus!

    Nice new reads! I’m excited for To Kill a Shadow! It sounded intriguing and the cover was gorgeous so it was one of those last minute adds I did during B&N’s last preorder sale! Lol. I hope you enjoy all of your new reads!

    Here’s my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

    • I really liked To Kill a Shadow and it is going to be a gorgeous book with sprayed edges. I talked B&N into ordering it for the local stores.

  2. You earned your downtime, and puzzles are so good for the mind. New systems can be super frustrating. They are forever changing our systems at work, usually right when I have mastered the old one. Good luck with it! I know you will master it soon.

    • My major complaint is that we can’t transfer the data over so I have to add every customer, every vendor, and every item we sell to the system before I can do anything. It is not hard but very time-consuming.

  3. Change is hard. I want to move to FS Poster but can’t figure out how to do anything yet. So I’m actually even more happy with my dlvr.it and IFTTT which are working well (and are free). Anyway, accounting software is easy for me compared to these WordPress plugins. Wow you took the time to reread The Fourth Wing. I think I only read it a couple months ago so it’s pretty fresh in my mind.

    Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    • The new software isn’t hard. It is just that none of the data was transferred over so I have to set up every single customer, every vendor, and every part (we sell thousands of parts) before I can get things ordered or invoices sent. It is a time-consuming pain.

      I really liked Fourth Wing and I felt like reading it again so I did. I enjoyed it just as much the second time around and I don’t need to write another review which is nice.

  4. That makes great sense to me needing a break from a screen for a bit. Hopefully, you’ll get through the rough part of the new accounting software.

    Have a great week, Carole!

    • I have a feeling that the rough part of the accounting software will be the next several months since none of the data transferred over. My eyes definitely need time away from the screen!

    • I don’t like putting my face on Instagram but am trying to push myself to do it every once in a while. I am excited to give Gothikana a try.

  5. That’s a nice stack of books! A puzzle sounds relaxing, honestly. And updates… ugh, those are never fun lol.

  6. I hate new programs! Hope the transition starts to go better.

    Working on a puzzle while listening to an audiobook is fun for me! I can understand not wanting to be on the computer. It seems like I’ve been on mine for hours today! I want to shut it down and puzzle away.

    • It is going to take me months to get enough customers, vendors, and parts entered into the new system before things move faster since none of the data transferred over. I just need to get used to spending 30 minutes to do the same task that took me 3 before.

      I can spend 12 hours or more on a computer some days just for work. I need a break from screens every once in a while.

  7. Real life completely interfered with my blog and reading time this week, as well. I am just getting to blog visits after a week. I also fell behind on reviews. Oh well. New programs and OS are so frustrating until you can get used to it. Even small things – like Apple changed how the buttons on the watch work and I’m still messing up 1.5 months later! I hope your week is going well.

  8. So glad you’re getting some non-device time with puzzles! I don’t envy you the new software. Why is that always such a challenge? I’m looking forward to the Fourth Wing sequel though it’ s going to be forever before I get the audio from my library. I’m a bit tempted to buy it.