August 2022 Wrap Up

Posted September 2, 2022 by Carole in Monthly Wrap-Up / 8 Comments

August 2022

August was good.  Sometimes busy and sometimes quiet but good.  We hosted my daughter’s bridal shower at the beginning of the month.  After a week of frantic packing, my younger daughter returned to college and we returned to having an empty nest.  We also had some low-key weeks that were mainly spent at home.

Towards the end of the month, I was able to go to a bookish event when Megan Bannen came to my area to promote her new book – The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy.  My reading was up quite a bit.  I did choose some shorter books which makes a difference.  I think I was so excited to have a couple of quiet weekends that I made a point to spend time doing things I wanted to do which meant curling up with a book.  I am still plugging away on Instagram and am ending the month with 3,483 follwers.

I am linking this post to the Monthly Wrap-Up at Feed Your Fiction Addiction.

Books Read

Reading Stats
Books Read: 18
Audiobooks: 10
Digital Books: 6
Print Books: 2
Re-Reads: 0

Book Source for Books Read in August
NetGalley: 10
Edelweiss: 0
Direct from Publisher/Author/Narrator/Publicist: 6
Purchased/Freebie: 3
Kindle Unlimited/Audible Plus: 0
Borrowed/Library:  4
*Some books may fit into more than one category

Goodreads: 127/100

End of the Month NetGalley Stats
Feedback Ratio: 93% 
 718 Approved | 669 Feedback Sent

End of the Month Edelweiss Stats
0 books to review | 99 downloaded

Favorite of the Month

Up Next

How was your month? Do you have any reading or blogging goals for September?

8 responses to “August 2022 Wrap Up

  1. Between the bridal shower and the book event, it sounds like a good month! I read a book by Rush/Blount a few years ago that I really enjoyed. Hope Crossing the Line is a good one for you.

  2. We had a few books in common, and I have Carrie Soto on deck. Low key and shorter books can be great sometimes. I still on the fence about Crossing the Line. Not sure I have the time in my schedule, but I might just buy it. Hope all your upcoming books are great, and isn’t the wedding soon?

  3. Low key weeks are definitely good – especially with all you’ve got going on! You read so many great looking books in August. The Sarah Addison Allen is especially calling to me. Happy September!

  4. Yay for having a good reading month. I haven’t been to an author event in quite awhile – fun!!!
    I’m currently reading and really enjoying Love In the Time of Serial Killers.