I am really excited to participate in The Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Reading Reality.
My Life
This week was a bit of a challenge. I had my mom over for corned beef and cabbage last Sunday. Corned beef and cabbage is one of my favorite meals. My husband doesn’t care for it but I make it once a year anyway and I knew that my mom was a fan so I invited her to grab a plate with us. After she left, we got ready to take the dogs for a walk. Just as we stepped out of the backyard, I fell. Hard. I consider myself to be pretty tough and have a high pain tolerance but I almost balled like a baby right there in my front yard. My husband had to help me get up and then took the dogs for their walk by himself.
I iced my foot as soon as my husband got back from his walk and kept ice on it until it was time for bed. When I got up on Monday, my foot was so swollen I could barely move it at all, and took the day off work from both jobs to keep it elevated with ice on it. Things looked better on Tuesday and I thought that I was on the mend. I had to work at the bookstore after I got off from my office job and my foot was killing me by the time I got home. I noticed on Friday that when you compare the size of my 2 ankles, it is obvious just how swollen my ankle still is. On Saturday, I was scheduled for an 8-hour shift at the bookstore, but I only made it through 7 before I threw in the towel and asked to be sent home early. It has been close to a week and my ankle is still very swollen and most of my foot along with part of my calf is bruised. I don’t bounce back quite as quickly as I used to.
You would think that I would have been able to get caught up with all kinds of things since I had some unexpected time off but this was a very unproductive week.
How was your week?
What I’m Reading
I only finished 2 books again this week. I need to get my focus back on books! I really enjoyed Darling Girls by Sally Hepworth and loved that some of the twists completely shocked me. I had a feeling that The Rom-Commers by Katherine Center might help me snap out of my reading funk and I fell in love with the story. I just love Katherine Center’s work!

I read more of The Night Ends with Fire by K.X. Song and it is really good. I promise that I will finish it someday. I just haven’t felt like reading much lately. I am at the 60% mark in A Grave Robbery by Deanna Raybourn and am loving it even though I am not completely sold on the narrator’s voice for Stoker.

Books Added

Blood Jade by Julia Vee and Ken Bebelle (Publisher); The Wishing Game by Meg Shaffer (Purchased); Listen for the Lie by Amy Tintera (Purchased)
Favorite Instagram Post of the Week
What books do you add to your shelves this week?
Corned beef and cabbage…that sounds like what I had on Friday .
Nope, I had a look, not the same
Carole, take care of yourself. I hope the foot/ankle is feeling better. That’s gotta be tough with the bookstore job. That’s all on your feet. So happy Center made your day brighter. I love her books, too. I was excited to see you got The Wishing Game. May it delight you as much as it did me
Oh no! How terrible! I hope you’re feeling better now! That’s gotta be painful. I’m cringing just hearing about it! I remember from my times of being in the hospital for leg surgeries that even when I was recovering at home, trying to find time to read wasn’t always easy. I kept my leg propped up as well and sometimes, even though I wasn’t in active pain, it was just too uncomfortable to read for long. Of course, at those times, I didn’t have a massive TBR pile, so just veging out and resting was acceptable to my brain! Lol.
Nice new reads! Lots of new to me ones! I hope you enjoy each and every one of these! Hope you’re feeling better now too!
Here’s my StS
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂
I’m so sorry to hear about your foot! As someone who walked on a broken ankle for a month before getting it looked at, I definitely recommend getting it checked out if it’s still giving you grief. Hope you get some relief soon!
I’m so sorry Carol. I hope you feel better soon. Are you sure it is not broken? You are reading the books I plan to be reading soon too.
Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post
Oh no, when I sprained my ankle a few months ago I was on crutches and it took almost a month for the swelling to go down and for the pain to really go away. I hope it heals fast for you.
Sorry to hear about your ankle. I know it won’t help now, but if it happens again, I find wearing a compression sock or wrapping while working helped me.
It took me a couple books to get used to Stoker’s voice, but now I can’t imagine anyone else. I do love her Veronica!
My Irish MIL makes an amazing “New England Boiled dinner” and Irish Soda Break, but she’s in Florida. I’m hoping she’ll make a meal when she returns!
I’m so sorry about your ankle! Sprains and ligament damages are the worst. I hope you’re resting it as much as you can and taking it easy. I’m not surprised you didn’t get as much done as you wanted. Pain is exhausting. So curious about the Sally Hepworth and the Katherine Center. Looking forward to seeing your thoughts on them. Hope you’re having an injury-free week!