Books from the Backlog #47

Posted February 14, 2019 by Carole in Books from the Backlog / 34 Comments

Books from the Backlog is a fun way to feature some of those neglected books sitting on your bookshelf unread.  If you are anything like me, you might be surprised by some of the unread books hiding in your stacks.
If you would like to join in, please feel free to enter your link and link back to this post, then spend some time visiting some of the other posts.  

This week’s neglected book

The Trouble With Valentine’s Day by Rachel Gibson

Publication Date: March 20, 2012
Publisher: Avon

Dumped by her boyfriend, stressed out by her job, Kate Hamilton needs to regroup and get back some self-esteem. She moves from the bright lights of Las Vegas to the wilderness of Gospel, Idaho for some small-town fun. But when her first attempted seduction of a hunky stranger is completely rejected, she wonders what else could possibly go wrong?

Well, for starters she quickly realizes that the Mountain Mama Crafters Original Poetry reading is about as good as it gets on a Friday night. Then she comes face to face with Rob Sutter, former ice hockey madman, owner of Sutter’s Sports—and the hunky stranger who told her to get lost!

Rob’s been more than burned by love—but then he and Kate find themselves in an ultra-compromising position in the M & S Market after-hours, giving the phrase “clean-up in aisle five” a whole new meaning, and cause a whole lot of gossip in Gospel…

Why did I add The Trouble With Valentine’s Day to my bookshelf?
I am not actually sure if I have read this one.  Since I can’t remember, I think that it should probably go on my tbr pile. Honestly, I probably re-read so many books just because I can’t remember anything about them after a few years.  I did go through a phase where a read a ton of Rachel Gibson’s books before I had a Kindle but I bought a Kindle copy of this one back in March 2012 so I should probably make some time for it. 

What are your thoughts? Have you read this book?  Would you recommend it to others?

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34 responses to “Books from the Backlog #47

  1. Been enjoying this feature so I thought I'd join in! Your choice today was so timely! LOL Sounds like a fun one. Happy Valentine's Day!

  2. Sorry I can no longer link to your post Carole. I have no interest in joining that link crowd with an account or linking them to my social media. Sorry! I'll still do the post each Thursday but I won't be leaving a link.

  3. So I'm hoping next week to take the plunge and join you. I need more Thursday content and this is perfect. I don't know that I've read a Valentine's Day book.

  4. I don't know this author. I have a short list of romance favorites and I'm trying to stick mostly with them. After sometime in 2011, everything I do is updated in Goodreads so I have no questions about if I read something unless it was before then. But I got my Kindle in 2012 so it all kind of works together. Anne – Books of My Heart

  5. The Mountain Mama poetry reading on Friday nights does sound a little… underwhelming? Haha hopefully Kate and Rob can make things work. 🙂

  6. This is a completely new to me author and book. Like you and Melanie, I know that feeling of wondering if I have read a book before. Thanks for hosting, Carole!