August 2023 Wrap Up

Posted September 5, 2023 by Carole in Monthly Wrap-Up / 12 Comments

August 2023

What can I say about August?  It was a busy month but it was also my new normal.  I have a month of working 2 jobs under my belt now and I am kind of getting used to it.  I work 3 shifts per week at the bookstore in addition to my full-time job.  I am feeling more comfortable with the new job but I am finding it difficult to work enough time into my schedule to keep up with my blogging as I want to.  On the days that I work both jobs, there isn’t any time left to do anything else.  And on the days, that I only work one job, I am sometimes so drained that I cannot think about doing anything productive.  I will figure it out though and I am trying to do better with blog hopping.  

I am still plugging away at Instagram.  I am not as active as I used to be but am trying to do what I can.  I am ending the month with 5,643 followers (I post this start for myself so I can track my growth).

I am linking this post to the Monthly Wrap-Up at Feed Your Fiction Addiction.

Books Read

Reading Stats
Books Read: 23
Audiobooks: 16
Digital Books: 3
Print Books: 1
Combination Print or Digital & Audio: 3
Re-Reads: 1
DNF: 0

Book Source for Books Read in August
NetGalley: 12
Edelweiss: 3
Direct from Publisher/Author/Narrator/Publicist: 8
Purchased/Freebie: 7
Kindle Unlimited/Audible Plus: 1
Borrowed/Library:  3
*Some books may fit into more than one category

Goodreads: 177/100

End of the Month NetGalley Stats
Feedback Ratio: 96% 
 861 Approved | 829 Feedback Sent

End of the Month Edelweiss Stats
10 books to review | 112 downloaded

Favorites of the Month

Up Next

How was your month? Do you have any reading or blogging goals for September?

12 responses to “August 2023 Wrap Up

  1. Wow! That’s still a great month. I hope your able to find a comfortable medium. Working at home has completely spoiled me and I don’t know if I could adjust to doing anything else right now. I just got a copy of Assistant to the Villain and am trying to figure out where to work it in as I’m really excited about it. Hope you have a wonderful September!

  2. Glad you’re figuring it out after a month of both jobs. I can’t imagine having much energy after the work and household tasks so I’m impressed already. Then I see how fab you did on your reading numbers. Just wow, Carole! 🙂

    Have a great September!

  3. Working two jobs would leave me without much energy. I did it back when I was in my 20’s but there’s no way I could do it now. Glad you are getting used to things.

  4. I would be tired from two jobs. Heck, I am tired from one job, but good for you figuring out how to make it work. I cannot believe you are almost double your reading challenge. *high five*

  5. That’s a lot! I’m impressed you can blog at all, honestly. I’m glad it’s going good though.

    I really want to read thatHarrison book- loved her last one.

  6. You’ve had quite the month! I hope September gives you a bit more time to find a balance and lots more instagram followers! Happy September!